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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter VI The Judicial Year and Allocation of Assignments
Article 77
(The Judicial Year)
Each judicial year runs from January 1 through December 31 of each year.
Article 78
(Administrative Procedures)
The regulations that govern administrative procedures of all levels of courts and their branches, and of the Prosecutors' Office of all levels of courts and their branches, shall be determined respectively by the Judicial Yuan and the Ministry of Justice.
Article 79
(Annual Projection of Judicial Assignment Allocation)
Before the end of a judicial year, courts of all levels and their branches shall hold a meeting, attended by the president, division chief judges, and judges, to determine the allocation of judicial assignments and the order of rotations for the following judicial year, pursuant to the provisions of this Act, the administrative procedures, and other applicable laws.
The allocation method of annual judicial assignments for judges, who handle civil, criminal, administrative litigation, and other profession-specific cases, shall be determined separately by the Judicial Yuan.
In this meeting, as described in the first paragraph, attendees shall also determine the sitting sequence of judges in collegial trials for the following judicial year.
Article 80
(The Chairperson of Assignment Allocation Meetings)
The president of the court shall hold the meetingas a chairperson, as described in the preceding article, and resolutions shall be decided by a majority vote. When there is a tie, the chairperson shall cast the vote to break the tie.
Article 81
(The Procedure to Alter Assignment Allocations)
If alterations are required to change the pre-determined assignment allocations, rotation orders, and judges' sitting sequences in collegial trials, due to increase or decrease of case load, or the number of judges, or other events, the president may consult with relevant division chief judges and judges to determine such alterations.
Article 82
(The Interim Judge)
If judges of district courts or their branches cannot perform duties for any reason, the president of the district court shall order a judge-in-training to assume the interim duties.
If judges of high courts or district courts cannot perform duties for any reason, the president of the high court or district court shall transfer a judge from one of their branch courts to assume the interim duties.
If judges of high courts or their branches cannot perform duties for any reason, the president of the high court shall transfer a judge from district courts or their branches to assume the interim duties.
If a judge of the Supreme Court cannot perform duties for any reason, the president of the Supreme Court shall transfer a judge from high courts or their branches to assume the interim duties.
The period of performing interim duties, as described in the preceding two paragraphs, shall not exceed 6 months.
Article 83
(Publication of the Gazette)
All levels of Courts and their branches shall issue periodical Gazettes or use other appropriate methods to publish judgment. However, if it is stipulated otherwise by law, such other provisions shall apply.
The publication, as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, may exclude the natural person's identification card number or other information that may easily identify the individual, with the exception of the natural person's name.
The Prosecutors' Office of high courts, their lower courts and branches shall publish indictments after a first instance judgment is published, and the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)