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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter V Duration of Collective Agreement
Article 26
A collective agreement can be concluded in a form of fixed-term, non-fixed-term, or a specific period of accomplishing a certain assignment.
Article 27
When a collective agreement is concluded in the form of non-fixed- term, any party may terminate the agreement anytime after one year of concluding. However, it shall notice the other party in writing three months before the termination.
If the notice period agreed-upon in the collective agreement is longer than that of in the proviso referred to in the preceding paragraph, it shall prevail.
Article 28
When a collective agreement is concluded in the form of fixed-term, its duration may not exceed three years; if the duration exceeds three years, it shall be shortened to three years.
Article 29
When a collective agreement is concluded in the form of a specific period of accomplishing a certain assignment, if the assignment cannot be finished within three years, it shall be deemed as a collective agreement which is concluded with a three-year duration.
Article 30
When an organization is merged or splits, unless there are other stipulations in the collective agreement, the rights and obligations of the parties of a collective agreement or the organizations that are parties of a collective agreement shall be transferred to the new organization established after the merging or splitting.
When the organization that is party of a collective agreement is dissolved, the rights and obligations of its affiliated members of their organizations shall not be changed after the dissolution. However, when an organization with a non-fixed-term collective agreement is dissolved, the rights and obligations of its affiliated members of that organization shall be terminated after three months, unless there are other stipulations in the collective agreement.
Article 31
If major changes in economic conditions happen after a collective agreement is concluded, and if strict maintenances of that agreement will be inconsistent with the continued managing of the employer’s business, or sustaining the living standards of the workers, or it cannot obtain the goals of the agreement because of certain behaviors of the parties of a collective agreement, any party may request the other party to bargain and change the contents, or terminate the collective agreement.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)