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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 07:40

Chapter Law Content

Title: Drug Injury Relief Act CH
Category: Ministry of Health and Welfare(衛生福利部)
Chapter V Penal Provisions
Article 22
Anyone in violation of the Article 9 shall be fined an amount of not less than TWD Sixty Thousands (60,000) and not more than TWD Three Hundreds Thousands (300,000) and any non-compliance can be subject to a successive fine. If there is any omission or incompletion in the declaration, the party in violation shall be fined two to three times of the original imposition.
Article 23
Any medical care institution or other relevant authority (institution) or group in violation of the Article 10 of the Act, shall be fined an amount of not less than TWD Twenty Thousands (20,000) and not more than TWD One Hundred Thousands (100,000), and any non-compliance could be subject to a successive fine.
Article 24
Anyone in violation of the Articles 11 shall be fined an amount of not less than TWD Six Thousands (6,000) and not more than TWD Thirty Thousands (30,000).
Article 25
Article 26
The fines specified in the Act shall be imposed by the competent authority.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)