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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Speech Therapists Act CH
Category: Ministry of Health and Welfare(衛生福利部)
Chapter Five Professional Association
Article 43
Speech therapists associations shall be administrated by the competent authorities of civil organizations. However, enterprises in the industry shall be under the guidance and supervision of the competent authority.
Article 44
Speech therapists associations shall be established at the level of municipality and county (city), and a national union of speech therapists associations may be established.
Article 45
The geographic district covered by a speech therapists association shall follow the prevailing administrative districts. Only one association of the same level may be established in the same district.
Article 46
A speech therapists association at the level of municipality or county (city) may be initiated and organized by more than nine speech therapists in the district. If a district has less than nine speech therapists, the speech therapists in such district may join the association in the adjacent district or join the speech therapists in the adjacent district in the establishment of an association.
Article 47
A national union of speech therapists associations may be initiated and organized only after more than one third of speech therapists associations at the municipality and county (city) levels have been established.
Article 48
Directors and supervisors of the speech therapists associations shall be elected by the members (member representatives) at members (member representatives) assembly. Speech therapists associations shall set up board of directors and board of supervisors respectively with the following composition:
1. A county (city) speech therapists association shall have no more than fifteen (15) directors.
2. A municipality speech therapists association shall have no more than twenty-five (25) directors.
3. A national union of speech therapists associations shall have no more than thirty-five (35) directors.
4. The number of directors of a speech therapists association at all levels shall not exceed one half of the total number of members (member representatives).
5. The number of supervisors of a speech therapists association at all levels shall not exceed one third of the total number of directors.
Speech therapists associations at all levels may appoint alternate directors and alternate supervisors; the number of alternates shall not exceed one-third of the number of directors or supervisors respectively in the association.
When a speech therapists association has three or more directors or supervisors, the directors or supervisors shall elect among themselves standing directors or standing supervisors; the number of standing directors and standing supervisors shall not exceed one-third of the number of directors and supervisors respectively. The directors shall also elect among the standing directors a chairman of the board. If the association does not have standing directors, its directors shall elect among themselves a chairman of the board. If the association has more than three standing supervisors, the standing supervisors shall elect among themselves a convener of the board of supervisors.
Article 49
The term of office for directors and supervisors shall be three years, and no more than one half of incumbent directors or supervisors may be re-elected each time. The chairman of the board may be re-elected once only.
Article 50
The elected directors and supervisors of the national union of speech therapists associations are not limited to member representatives designated by the municipality or county (city) speech therapists associations.
The member representatives designated by the municipality or county (city) speech therapists associations to attend the national union of speech therapists associations are not limited to directors and supervisors of the association.
Article 51
A speech therapists association shall convene members (member representatives) assembly once a year. Provisional meetings may be held whenever necessary.
Where a speech therapists association has more than three hundred (300) members, the whole administrative district may be delimited into zones by the distribution of members in compliance with the association charter, and member representatives may be elected from each zone in proportion to the number of members in the zone to convene the assembly of member representatives in lieu of members assembly.
Article 52
A speech therapists association shall draw up an association charter and produce the list of members as well as the list and curriculum vitae of staff, and submit the same to the local competent authority of civil organizations for registration. Copies of the association charter and the aforementioned lists shall be submitted to the central and local competent authorities for reference.
Article 53
The association charter of speech therapists associations at all levels shall contain the following particulars:
1. Name, district, and address of the association;
2. Objectives, organization, and duties;
3. Membership enrollment and withdrawal;
4. Membership fees and the payment deadline;
5. Appointment of member representatives and term of office;
6. Number, power, term of office, election, and discharge of directors and supervisors;
7. Rules of conduct for members (member representatives) assembly, and meetings of board of directors and board of supervisors;
8. Code of ethics and convention to be abided by members;
9. Budgets and accounting;
10. Amendment of association charter; and
11. Other items to be included according to law or necessary for the handling of association affairs.
Article 54
Municipality and country (city) speech therapists associations are obliged to abide by the charter of and resolutions made by the national union of speech therapists associations.
Article 55
Where a speech therapists association violates any law or its charter, the competent authorities of civil organizations may render the follows dispositions:
1. Warning;
2. Revocation of resolution;
3. Discharge of director and/or supervisor; and
4. Rectification within a prescribed time limit.
The dispositions in Subparagraph 1 and Subparagraph 2 in the preceding paragraph may also be rendered by competent authorities.
Article 56
Where members of a speech therapists association violate law or association charter, the association may take action against the member according to its charter and/or the resolution made by board of directors, board of supervisors, or members (member representatives) assembly.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)