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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Medical Technologists Act CH
Category: Ministry of Health and Welfare(衛生福利部)
Chapter 5 Associations
Article 47
The administrative fine, suspension from practice, rescinding and revoking of practice license or opening permit prescribed in this Act shall be executed by municipal or county (city) competent authorities, unless this Act stipulates otherwise. In addition, revoking of a medical technologist certificate or medical technician certificate shall be executed by the central competent authority.
Article 48
Associations for medical technologists include municipal and county (or city) associations; and a National Federation of Associations for Medical Technologists may be established.
Article 49
Jurisdictions of the associations for medical technologists shall be in accordance with the existing administrative regions. Within the same region, only one same-level association is allowed.
Article 50
Municipal or county (or city) associations for medical technologists shall be organized at the initiation of 21 or more medical technologists within the jurisdiction; in regions with less than 21 medical technologists, the medical technologists may join the association of a neighboring region.
Article 51
Establishment of National Federation of Associations for Medical Technologists shall be initiated by municipal and at least seven county (or city) associations for medical technologists that have finished the organization procedures.
Article 52
Associations for medical technologists shall have directors and supervisors, which shall be elected by the members (or member representatives) in the general members’ (or member representatives’) meeting. A Board of Directors and a Board of Supervisors shall also be established, with the number of Board members as follows:
1. Directors of municipal or county (or city) associations for medical technologists shall not exceed 27.
2. Directors of National Federation of Associations for Medical Technologists shall not exceed 35.
3. Number of directors of associations for medical technologists at all levels shall not exceed one half of the total members (or member representatives).
4. Number of supervisors of associations for medical technologists at all levels shall not exceed one third of the number of the associations’ directors.
Associations for medical technologists at all levels may have alternate directors and alternate supervisors, of which the number shall not exceed one third of the number of the respective association’s directors and supervisors.
When the numbers of directors and supervisors are above three, executive directors and executive supervisors may be mutually elected, respectively. The numbers of executive directors and executive supervisors shall not exceed one third of the total directors or supervisors, and one of the executive directors shall be elected by all directors as the chairman. If there is no executive director, a chairman shall be chosen by mutually election from among the directors. When there are more than three executive supervisors, one of them shall be chosen as the convener of the Board of Supervisors by mutual election.
Article 52-1
Directors and supervisors of the National Federation of Associations for Medical Technologists are not limited to the member representatives designated by the municipal or county (or city) associations for medical technologists.
Member representatives designated by municipal or county (or city) associations for medical technologists to join the National Federation of Associations for Medical Technologists are not limited to their directors or supervisors.
Article 53
Directors and supervisors shall serve a three-year term, and re-elected and re-appointed directors and supervisors shall not exceed one half of the total. Only one re-appointment of the chairman is allowed.
Article 54
Associations for medical technologists shall convene a general members’ (or member representatives’) meeting once per year, and interim meetings may be convened when necessary.
When the number of members of an association for medical technologists exceeds 300, members may be sub-divided on regional basis in accordance with the Articles of Association and depending on the distribution of members. Representatives may be elected according to the percentage of members for convening member representatives’ meeting, and for exercising the power of the general members’ meeting.
Article 55
A medical technologist association shall formulate articles of association, prepare a list of members and curriculum vitae of its staff and submit them to the competent authority of civil associations for registration in the place where it is located and to the competent authorities at central and local levels respectively for records.
Article 56
Articles of Association for all levels of associations for medical technologists shall explicitly state the following:
1. Name, region and location of the association’s office.
2. Vision, organization and mission.
3. Admission and dismissal of members.
4. Membership fees payable by members and the due date.
5. Generation of member representatives and the tenure of service.
6. Numbers of directors and supervisors, and their power, tenure as well as their election, appointment and dismissal.
7. Regulations concerning the members’ (or member representatives’) meeting, as well as Board of Directors meeting and Board of Supervisors meeting.
8. The covenant that members should observe.
9. Budget and accounting.
10. Amendment of the Articles of Association.
11. Other necessary matters that should be explicitly stated pursuant to the laws and regulations or that are required for handling the association’s affairs.
Article 56-1
For violations of the laws and orders or the articles of association of a medical technologist association, the competent authorities of civil associations may impose the following sanctions:
2.Revocation of the resolution.
3.Discharge of the directors and supervisors.
4.Rectification before a deadline.
The sanctions of subparagraphs 1 and 2 of the preceding paragraph may also be imposed by the competent authority.
Article 56-2
Municipal or county (or city) associations for medical technologists are obliged to observe the Articles of Association and resolutions of the National Federation of Associations for Medical Technologists.
Article 57
If a member of an association for medical technologists violates the laws and regulations or the Articles of Association, the association may impose penalties pursuant to the Articles of Association, or the resolution of the Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors or the general members’ (or member representatives’) meeting.
Article 58
National Federation of Associations for Medical Technologists that has been registered before the promulgation and implementation of this Act shall complete its re-organization pursuant to this Act within three years from the date when this Act is promulgated and enforced. The registered provincial association for medical technologists shall be dismissed, and the remaining properties shall go to the National Federation of Associations for Medical Technologists.
Article 59
Provisions concerning the associations for medical technologists in this Chapter are applicable to the organization of associations for medical technicians.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)