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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 11:46

Chapter Law Content

Chapter V Education and Administration
Article 38
The administration of student living conditions should follow that of a school administration with the infusion of boy scout training and military management strategies. Home life education shall be included in the education program of students below the age of fourteen.
Article 39
In order to foster students’ resolve for reform and their adaptation to community life, students shall be divided into classes and administered using the grading and advancement system.
Regulations governing the aforementioned grading and advancement system shall be subject to the discretion of the Ministry of Justice.
Article 40
The primary priority of a reform school for juveniles shall be moral behavior and conduct education; knowledge and skill education shall serve as secondary priority.
1. The moral behavior and conduct education program shall include civic training, boy scout training, military training, physical education, health and recreation activities, and labor services.
2. Students who are dropouts of secondary or higher education schools prior to their admission or who have completed the basic education program and are eligible for promotion shall be provided with the supplementary education in the reform school; students who have not completed the basic education program shall continue studies in the reform school; classes shall be taught according to the standard course curriculum of the competent education authorities.
3. Skill training of students shall be designated according to the sex, educational attainment, interests, stamina, and inclination of the students.
The pertaining enforcement rules of the preceding paragraph shall be conjointly defined by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education.
Article 41
A reform school for juveniles shall provide its students with clothing, nourishment, essential daily living items, and textbooks and notebooks; the full or partial educational and living expenses of students designated under the responsibility of the juvenile or the guardian or support provider of the juvenile by the juvenile court according to Article 60 of the Juvenile Accident Act shall be assessed at market price; payment of which shall be collected from the responsible party.
Personal books of students shall be inspected before turnover to the perusal of students.
Article 42
Food, beverage, and other dietary essentials and supplements of students shall be provided without discrimination of class or educational classification.
Article 43
Dormitory quarters of students shall be designated after proper evaluation of student conditions; however, students committing serious violation of the organization and living disciplinary rules shall be subject to solitary quarter isolation upon the approval of the school director.
The maximum solitary quarter isolation period shall be seven days.
Article 44
Students are entitled to family and friend visitation and correspondence rights; however, the director is entitled to deny such rights for grounds of obstruction to the implementation of reformatory education or welfare of the students.
The visitation stated in the preceding paragraph shall be limited to two visits per week and a maximum duration of thirty minutes per visit; however, visitation time or frequency may be extended or increased under the special permission of the director.
All student correspondences are subject to the inspection of the head of Discipline Department and the discovery of any condition or circumstance stated in the provisos of Paragraph 1 shall entitle the department head to stop delivery or order the deletion of prohibited articles before delivery.
Student visitation regulations are subject to the discretion of the Ministry of Justice.
Article 45
Where students contract a communicable disease or other serious diseases in reform schools and for which no proper medical treatment is available within the school premises, upon evaluation of circumstances, an application for hospital transfer and treatment may be filed with the competent authorities or for the release of student on bail for medical treatment.
Where the director of a reform school shall find urgent treatment necessary, emergency procedures may be first executed and the pertaining report shall be submitted to the competent authorities for information.
Students transferred to hospitals for confined treatment shall be regarded as continuing their reformatory education; students on medical treatment on bail shall be regarded as temporarily released, and treatment period shall not be counted as part of their reformatory education period.
Where the first paragraph procedure is implemented, proper notice shall be forwarded to the parent, guardian, or next of kin of students.
Article 46
Students having contracted a disease as defined in the preceding articles and requesting for medical treatment on personal expense shall be granted for treatment under the joint monitoring of the school and hospital authorities.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)