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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Forensic Pathologist Act CH
Category: Ministry of Justice(法務部)
Chapter 5 Association
Article 26
The Forensic Pathologist Association shall be formed on the motion of at least 15 forensic pathologists.
The Forensic Pathologist Association shall be located at the seat of the Central Government.
Article 27
The competent authority of civil organizations has jurisdiction over the Forensic Pathologist Association. The competent authority shall also have jurisdiction over the business of the Forensic Pathologist Association.
Article 28
The Forensic Pathologist Association shall form its Executive Board and Supervisory Board; board members of both boards shall be elected by members of the Forensic Pathologist Association. Seats of both boards shall be as follows:
1. For the Executive Board, there shall be 3 to 9 member seats;
2. For the Supervisory Board, there shall be 1 to 3 member seats.
Members of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board shall be elected for a three-year term. No more than half of the board members may be re-elected. The standing directors shall be elected from among the members of the Executive Board; the seats of the standing directors shall be no more than one-third of the seats of the Executive Board. The director general shall be elected from among the standing directors. If there is only one member on the Supervisory Board, he or she can only be re-elected once for a second term.
Article 29
The Forensic Pathologist Association shall establish the bylaw and prepare a list of its members and brief resumes of its staff, which shall be submitted to the competent authority of civil organizations for registration and to the competent authority for filing.
The Forensic Pathologist Association shall establish ethical codes and summit them to the competent authority for filing.
Article 30
The bylaw of the Forensic Pathologist Association shall include the following clauses:
1. Name and the office location;
2. Purpose, mission or business of the organization;
3. Rules for admission and withdrawal of membership;
4. Membership fees and the due date;
5. The number of seats on the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board, the authority of the board members, terms of the board members, and the election and discharge of the board members;
6. Rules of General Meetings, the Executive Board meetings and the Supervisory Board meetings;
7. Compliance rules for members;
8. Funding and accounting;
9. Rules for amending the bylaw;
10. Other clauses necessary for the functioning of the Forensic Pathologist Association.
Article 31
The competent of authority of civil organizations may impose any of the following sanctions if the Forensic Pathologist Association violates any regulations or the bylaw:
1. Warning;
2. Revocation of the resolution at issue;
3. Discharge of members of the Executive Board or the Supervisory Board;
4. Rearrange in a definite time period.
Sanctions prescribed in the clause 1 and clause 2 of the preceding paragraph may also be imposed by the competent authority.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)