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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/17 14:16

Chapter Law Content

Chapter V Accounting and Finance
Article 31
The fiscal year adopted by the Center shall be the same as that of the government.
Article 32
The accounting system of the Center shall be approved by the board of the directors and be reported to the central BAS (Budget, Accounting and Statistics) unit for approval prior to implementation.
The center shall mandate a certified public accountant to provide auditing and attestation of its financial statements.
Article 33
The Center, depending on its required operations, may procure public real estate after its establishment. The price of land shall be based on the announced current land value. The price of constructional improvement shall be based on its current value as assessed by the tax authority. Where the tax authority has not assessed the value that year, the value shall be based on an assessment made by the public property management authority.
Where a government authority approves and disburses allocations to the Center to purchase property for a designated purpose, that property shall be deemed public property.
Except for the public property prescribed in the preceding paragraph, all property acquired by the Center shall be deemed as self-owned property.
The matters related to management, use and profits of the public property shall be governed by other applicable statutes; for such matters not specified in other statutes, the supervisory authority shall prescribe regulations for such matters.
Upon the abolition of use of public property, the property shall be handed over to the public property management authorities.
Article 34
A government authority’s approval and disbursement of allocations for the Center shall be governed by the legal budgetary procedure and supervised by the audit authority.
The Center shall draft revenue and expenditure management regulations, concerning its own budget and its utilization and management matters, and file them with the supervisory authority for their records.
Article 35
Debt raised by the Center shall be limited to self-liquidating loans. Where debt cannot be repaid by self-liquidation according to the outcome of budget implementation, the Center shall promptly review and propose improvement measures to the supervisory authority for approval.
Article 36
Where the Center conducts procurement, the Center shall act according to the principles of openness and fairness, as well as treaties or agreements which are concluded by the Republic of China, and the Center shall formulate its own procurement regulations and submit them to the supervisory authority for approval and implementation which should not be subjected to the restrictions set forth in the Government Procurement Law.
Article 37
The relevant information of the Center shall be made available to the public pursuant to the related requirements of the Freedom of Government Information Law. The Center shall take the initiative in making its annual financial statements and annual operational (business) information available to the public.
Article 38
A person objecting to an adjudication given by the Center may file an administrative appeal to the supervisory authority in accordance with the Administrative Appeal Act.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)