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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter V Built-up property valuation
Article 98
The appraisal of a condominium unit jointly take account of exclusively owned areas, co-owned areas and the share of rights on the site, and appropriate adjustments are to be made between the comparable properties and the subject condominium unit by reference to the different utility ratio among different floors and the location differences within a floor.
The utility ratio for individual floor stated in the preceding paragraph is to be announced by the National Association by areas through collection of relevant cases. The above information is for the reference of adjustment to be made stated in the preceding paragraph, and the ratio is estimated
also by reference to the market conditions and local custom.
Article 99
When the value of a built-up subject property is used as a basis to estimate its value of land portion, the following rules can be employed:
1.Land value of the built-up subject property = value of the built-up subject property – building cost of the built-up subject property..
2.Unit land value of the built-up subject property = land value of the built-up subject property / land size of the built-up subject property
In the case that the land value ratio and building value ratio are known, the following rules also apply to estimate the unit land value based upon the value of the built-up subject property:
1.Land value of the built-up subject property = value of the built-up subject property x land value ratio
2.Unit land value of the built-up subject property = land value of the built-up subject property / land size of the built-up subject property
The land value ratio and building value ratio in the preceding paragraph shall be estimated through appraisal methods and with reference to data surveyed in the local market.
Article 100
When the subject property stated in the preceding Article is a condominium unit, the following rules can apply to estimate the unit value of the site where the condominium stands based upon the value of this subject property:
1. The value of a share of rights on the site for a condominium unit = the value of a condominium unit - the building cost value of the condominium unit
2. The unit value of a share of rights on the site for a condominium unit = the value of a share of rights on the site for a condominium unit / the site area owned by the condominium unit
3. The unit value of a site for a condominium = the unit value of rights to use a condominium site x average vertical allotment ratio of land value / vertical allotment ratio of land value for the condominium unit
The vertical allotment ratio of land value stated in the subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph is calculated as follows:
Vertical allotment ratio of land value for a condominium unit = the floor utility ratio for the condominium unit - the average floor utility ratio x the ratio of the cost value of the whole building to the whole built-up property value.
Article 101
In the case that the land value ratio and building value ratio for the subject property is known, the following rules also apply to estimate the unit site value for the condominium based on the value of the subject property stated in the preceding Article:
1. The value of a share of rights on the site for a condominium unit = the value of a condominium unit x land value ratio
2. The unit value of a share of rights on the site for a condominium unit = the value of a share of rights on the site for a condominium unit / the site area owned by the condominium unit
3. The unit land value for the site upon which a condominium unit stands = the unit value of a share of rights on the site for a condominium unit x averaged floor utility ratio / the floor utility ratio for this condominium
The land value ratio and building value ratio in the preceding paragraph shall be estimated through appraisal methods and with reference to data surveyed in the local market.
Article 101-1
In the case that both the land value ratio and building value ratio for the subject property are known, the product of value of the built-up subject property and building value ratio can be regarded as the estimated building value.
Article 102
When appraising a property whose existing floor capacity ratio is over the legal one, this appraisal shall be based upon the current conditions of the legitimate part of the subject property, and impacts of the law-permissible floor capacity on appraisal need to be detailed in the appraisal report.
Article 103
For appraisal of a property where part of which is illegal, the illegal part will not be appraised. The above restriction does not apply when the clients require the appraisal and the respective values of legal and illegal parts of the subject property are stated in the appraisal report.
Article 104
For appraisal of a property that is at present not in its highest and best use, the normal value based on its highest and best use shall be first estimated, followed by adjustments to reflect the current low use condition.
Article 105
For a legal property whose originally permitted use is in conflict with the present land use control, the appraisal shall be based upon the uses that are allowable by the current zoning regulations, and the value difference between the current use and the law-permissible uses be specified in an appraisal report.
Article 106
A built-up property could be regarded as a vacant land if the building upon it becomes worthless. However, the demolition cost of the building should be considered to make necessary value adjustments.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)