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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/18 12:07

Chapter Law Content

Chapter 3 Election and Recall
Section 2 List of Electors
Article 20
TThe list of electors shall be compiled by the township(city/district) government agency of household registration according to the household registration data and include such information as S/N,name,sex/gender,date of birth and address of domicile.All those who have their household data registered by the twentieth day before the polling day and thus enjoy the qualification of elector according to relevant provisions shall be listed, and the electors who migrate after the twentieth day before the polling day shall exercise all their rights of suffrage at the polling station at the location of original domicile.
The identification of the indigenous electors in the list of indigenous electors shall conform to the household registration data;the list of indigenous electors shall be compiled by the corresponding agency of household registration in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
After being compiled,the list of electors shall only be used by the election commissions,township(city/district) offices and government agencies of household registration according to the provisions of this Act,and may not be provided to any external parties by transcription,copying,photography,recording or any other means.
Article 21
If the voting is held at the same time for two or more kinds of public officials,the list of electors may be compiled separately or collectively for the elections depending on the actual requirements.
Article 22
After the list of electors is compiled,the government agencies of household registration shall submit it to the municipal or county(city) election commissions through the township(city/district) offices for examination,and the township (city/district) offices shall display it publicly and give a public notice for the elector to read it on site.If an elector finds any error or pretermission in the list,he/she may apply for correction within the period of reading.
For the reading in the preceding paragraph,he elector shall present his or her national identity card,and the reading shall be limited to himself or herself and the persons in the household.
Article 23
After the time for public reading expires,the township(city/district) offices shall send the original list and the applications for correction to the government agencies of household registration for examination and correction.
After the process of announcement and correction,the list of electors shall be determined,and the municipal and county(city) election commissions shall publicize the number of electors through public notice.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)