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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 15:37

Chapter Law Content

Chapter V Release
Article 25
Upon fulfillment of six months of drug rehabilitation treatment and the assessment conducted on the illicit drug abuser as herein provided in Article 17 finds mandatory drug abuse treatment is no longer necessary, the drug abuser treatment center may, at any time it deems necessary, present substantiating documents to the prosecutor, court or juvenile court (juvenile division of a district court) under which treatment order is enforced for the issuance of a court order or ruling for the termination of the drug abuse treatment. Release may be processed thereafter.
Article 26
Article 27
An illicit drug abuser under treatment, upon fulfillment of the drug abuse treatment, should be released before noon of the following day; meanwhile, the drug abuser treatment center should notify the residence or permanent address police agents.
Article 28
Article 29
Article 30
Upon the release of an illicit drug abuser under treatment from the center, the drug abuser treatment center shall issue a written notice stating the grounds of release to the prosecutor, court or juvenile court (juvenile division of a district court) under which treatment order is enforced and the police authorities of the locality of the drub abuser’s place of residence and/or permanent address.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)