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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter Five - Penal Provisions
Article 72
One who violates a confidentiality preservation order under this Act shall be subject to a sentence of imprisonment not more than three years, detention, or in lieu thereof or in addition thereto, a fine of not more than NT$1,000,000.
Anyone committing the offense in the preceding paragraph will be sentenced to imprisonment not more than five years, detention, or in lieu thereof or in addition thereto, a fine of not more than NT$3,000,000 if the relevant trade secret protected by the order is a trade secret of national core key technologies under Article 3 of the National Security Act.
The preceding two paragraphs apply where an offense as in said paragraphs is committed overseas or in China, Hong Kong, or Macau, regardless of whether punishment is set forth in the laws of the place of the offense.
Article 73
Where the responsible person of a juridical person, or a manager or a representative of an unincorporated association, or an agent or an employee of a juridical person or other personnel engaging in the business of a juridical person, an unincorporated association, or a natural person commits in conducting business an offense described in the preceding article, not only shall the committer be punished, but such juridical person, the unincorporated association, or the natural person shall also be subject to the fine set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2, unless the responsible person of the juridical person, or the manager or representative of the unincorporated association, or the natural person has used its best efforts to prevent the offense.
Article 74
A verifier who makes a false verification or statement in a court trial with regard to a matter material to a case after signing a written oath will be sentenced to imprisonment not more than seven years.
A person having committed an offense specified in the preceding paragraph will have its punishment reduced or remitted if it makes a confession before a judgment on its false verification or statement becomes conclusive.
A verifier who reproduces, uses, or divulges against the purpose of verification a trade secret which is known to it by virtue of its verification will be sentenced to imprisonment not more than three years, detention, or in lieu thereof or in addition thereto, a fine of not more than NT$1,000,000.
Anyone committing the offense in the preceding paragraph will be sentenced to imprisonment not more than five years, detention, or in lieu thereof or in addition thereto, a fine of not more than NT$3,000,000 if the trade secret reproduced, used, or divulged is a trade secret of national core key technologies under Article 3 of the National Security Act.
Paragraphs 3 and 4 also apply where an offense as in said paragraphs is committed overseas or in China, Hong Kong, or Macau, regardless of whether punishment is set forth in the laws of the place of the offense.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)