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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter 5 The Amendment and Discard of the Regulation
Article 20
Where there is one of the following situations exists, a regulation shall be amended:
1. The increase or decrease of the content of a regulation is required by the policy or the fact.
2. The relevant regulations have been amended or discarded and a regulation is required to amend correspondently.
3. The agency in charge of the regulation or executive agency have been discarded and merged into another government agency or altered.
4. The same object has been stipulated in more than two regulations and there is no necessity to preserve two regulations.
The procedure of the amendment of a regulation shall apply mutatis mutandis of the promulgation of a regulation prescribed in this Act.
Article 21
While there is one of the following situations exists, a regulation shall be discarded:
1. The relevant regulation is no longer needed due to discard or merger of the government agencies.
2. The object stipulated in the regulation has been accomplished or the circumstance has been changed substantially which rendered the regulation no longer needed to enforce continuously.
3. There is no need to enforce a regulation alone due to the relevant regulation has been discarded or amended thus the basis which the regulation accorded has been discarded.
4. The same object has been stipulated by a new regulation which has been enacted or publicized.
Article 22
The discard of a statute shall be passed by the Legislative Yuan and enacted by the President.
The discard of an ordinance shall be vested in the original government agency which publicized the ordinance.
The discard of statutes or ordinances according to the preceding two paragraphs may only enact or publicize the name and the date of enforcement, and cease to become effective since the third day of the enactment or publication date.
Article 23
The regulation shall be discarded when the period of enforcement specified in a regulation has been expired and the preceding article is not applicable, provided that the agency in charge of the regulation shall publicize the discard of the regulation.
Article 24
While there is a period of enforcement specified in a statute the agency in charge of the statute may submit it to Legislative Yuan for review one month before the expiration of the period if the agency deemed to extend the period is necessary. However, in case the period expired during adjournment of the Legislative Yuan, it shall be submitted to the Legislative Yuan for review one month before the adjournment.
While there is a period of enforcement specified in an ordinance, the agency publicized the ordinance or in charge of the ordinance may extend the period by a decree one month before the expiration of the ordinance if the agency deemed to extend the period is necessary.
Article 25
While a government agency which publicized or in charge of an ordinance is discarded or merged into another government agency, the power to discard or extend the ordinance shall be vested either in the government agency which succeed the affairs or its superior government agency.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)