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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 11:36

Chapter Law Content

Chapter 4 Supplementary Provisions
Article 25
The central competent authority in conjunction with the Ministry of National Defense shall separately determine the environmental impact assessment process for those development activities that involves military secrets or emergency national defense construction projects.
Article 26
The central competent authority shall separately determine the environmental impact assessment process for government policy for which there is concern of environmental impact.
Article 27
The competent authority may collect review fees for the review of environmental impact statements, draft environmental impact assessment reports, environmental impact assessment reports and environmental impact survey reports submitted by a developer pursuant to Article 7, Article 11, Article 13 or Article 18.
The competent authority shall separately determine fee collection regulations for the preceding paragraph.
Article 28
For a development activity that has already been implemented but has not been completed prior to the implementation of this Act, the competent authority may, when it deems necessary, order the developer to conduct a survey and analysis of environmental impact and to submit response strategies which it shall strictly implement after competent authority approval.
Article 29
For those developers that have already completed an environmental impact statement or environmental impact assessment report and for which a review conclusion has been prepared following review, but have not implemented the development activity in accordance with the review conclusion prior to the implementation of this Act, the competent authority and relevant competent authority shall order the developer to proceed pursuant to the relevant regulations of Article 18; the developer may not refuse this order.
Article 30
Local residents may delegate to a representative, in writing, the right to act on their behalf in accordance with this Act.
Article 31
The central competent authority shall determine the Enforcement Rules of this Act.
Article 32
This Act shall take effect on the date of promulgation.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)