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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter Ⅳ Measures for Promoting Equality in Employment
Article 14
Female employee having difficulties in performing her work during menstruation period may request one day menstrual leave each month. If the cumulative menstrual leaves do not exceed three days in a year, said leaves shall not be counted toward days off for sick leave. All additional menstrual leaves shall be counted toward days off for sick leave.
Wages for menstrual leaves, whether said leaves are sick leaves or non-sick leaves as prescribed in the preceding Paragraph, shall be half the regular wage.
Article 15
Employers shall stop female employees from working and grant them a maternity leave before and after childbirth for a combined period of eight weeks. In the case of a miscarriage after being pregnant for more than three months, the female employee shall be permitted to discontinue work and shall be granted a maternity leave for four weeks. In the case of a miscarriage after being pregnant for over two months and less than three months, the female employee shall be permitted to discontinue work and shall be granted a maternity leave for one week. In the case of a miscarriage after being pregnant for less than two months, the female employee shall be permitted to discontinue work and shall be granted a maternity leave for five days.
The computation of wage during maternity period shall be in accordance with related laws and regulations.
When pregnant employees are diagnosed by a physician as needing to recuperate, their leave-taking and wage during the period of medical treatment, care, or recuperation, shall be in accordance with related laws and regulations.
During an employee’s term of pregnancy, their employer shall grant seven days of leave for pregnancy checkups.
When an employee accompanies their spouse for pregnancy checkups or such spouse is in labor, their employer shall grant the employee seven days off as pregnancy checkup accompaniment and paternity leaves.
Regular wages shall be paid for pregnancy checkups, pregnancy checkup accompaniment and paternity leaves.
For the payment of wages for the periods of pregnancy checkups, pregnancy checkup accompaniment and paternity leaves in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, employers may apply to the central competent authority for subsidies for the payment of wages for the parts of periods exceeding a five-day period of leave, excluding the situations in which a period of pregnancy checkups, pregnancy checkup accompaniment and paternity leaves of over five days and the regular wages are required to be granted in accordance with other laws or regulations.
The distribution of the subsidies stated in the preceding Paragraph shall be handled by the Bureau of Labor Insurance of the Ministry of Labor under the appointment by the central competent authority.
Article 16
After being in service for six months, employees may apply for parental leave without pay before any of their children reach the age of three years old. The period of this leave is until their children reach the age of three years old but may not exceed two years. When employees are raising over two children at the same time, the period of their parental leave shall be computed aggregately and the maximum period shall be limited to two years received by the youngest child.
During the period of parental leave without pay, employees may continue to participate in their original social insurance program. Premiums originally paid by the employers shall be exempted and premiums originally borne by the employees shall be deferred for three years.
Pursuant to the Family Proceedings Act and the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act, employees having lived with adopted children prior to the adoption may apply for parental leave without pay for the period they have lived together in accordance with the first Paragraph.
Allowance during parental leave without pay shall be prescribed by other laws.
Measures for implementing matters concerning parental leave without pay shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
Article 17
After the expiration of non-pay parental leave referred to in the preceding article, employees may apply for reinstatement. Unless one of the following conditions exists and after receiving permission from a competent authority, employers may not reject such application:
1. Where the employers' businesses are suspended, or there are operating losses, or business contractions.
2. Where the employers change the organization of their businesses, disband or transfer their ownership to others pursuant to other statutes.
3. Where force majeure necessitates the suspension of business for more than one month.
4. Where the change of the nature of business necessitates the reduction of workforce and the terminated employees cannot be reassigned to other suitable positions.
In the case of employers cannot reinstate employees due to the causes referred to in the preceding subparagraph, they shall give notice to the affected employees thirty days in advance and offer severance or retirement payments in accordance with legal standards.
Article 18
For employees who need to personally feed their babies who are less than two years old or need to collect breast milk, their employers shall provide them with the time for feeding or breast milk collection sixty minutes a day. This is in addition to the regular rest period(s).
For employees who work overtime in excess of 1 hour of daily normal work hours, their employers shall provide them an additional thirty minutes for feeding or breast milk collection.
The time for feeding or breast milk collection referred to in the preceding paragraphs shall be deemed as working time.
Article 19
For the purpose of raising children of less than three years of age, employees hired by employers with more than thirty employees may request one of the following subparagraphs from their employers:
1. To reduce working hours one hour per day; and for the reduced working time, no compensation shall be paid.
2. To reschedule working hours.
Employees hired by employers with less than thirty employees may request to apply the above provisions by discussing with their employers to reach mutual consent.
Article 20
For the purpose of taking personal care for family members who need inoculation, who suffer serious illness or who must handle other major events, employees may request family care leaves. The number of this leave shall be incorporated into leave with personal cause and not exceed seven days in one year.
The computation of wage during family care leave period shall be made pursuant to the related statutes and administrative regulations governing leave with personal cause.
Article 21
When employees make a request pursuant to the stipulations of the preceding seven articles, employers may not reject.
When employees enjoy the benefit pursuant to the preceding paragraph, employers may not treat it as a non-attendance and affect adversely the employees' full-attendance bonus payments, evaluation or take any disciplinary action that is adverse to the employees.
Article 22
Article 23
Employers having one hundred employees or more shall provide the following facilities and measures:
1. Breastfeeding (breast milk collection) rooms.
2. Childcare facilities or suitable childcare measures.
Competent authorities shall provide subsidies to employers who have set up breastfeeding (breast milk collection) rooms and childcare facilities or those who provide suitable childcare measures for their employees.
The regulations governing the standards for setting up breastfeeding (breast milk collection) rooms and childcare facilities or providing childcare measures and the regulations governing the relevant subsidies shall be prescribed by the central competent authority after consultation with other relevant authorities.
Article 24
For the purpose of assisting those employees who have left their jobs due to the reasons of marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, child care or taking personal care of their families, competent authorities at each government level shall adopt employment service, occupational training and other necessary measures for them.
Article 25
For those employers who hire the employees who have left their jobs due to the reasons of marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, child care or taking personal care of their families and with outstanding results, competent authorities at each government level may provide suitable rewarding measures for them.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)