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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/02 00:18

Chapter Law Content

Title: Act on Wildlife Conservation CH
Category: Ministry of Agriculture(農業部)
Article 31
Before the CCA announcement, all persons engaged in raising or breeding Protected Wildlife or exotic wildlife dangerous to the environment, people or animals, or those possessing Protected Wildlife products as determined by the CCA’s Schedule of Protected Wildlife shall fill out a data card to their special municipal or county (city) competent authorities within a certain time limit for future reference. Any changes in status shall be updated registered in a similar manner.
After the CCA announcement, those who have legally imported, received through transfer or other legal means of any of the wildlife or wildlife products mentioned in the preceding Paragraph, shall take their documents to special municipal or county (city) competent authorities to register within a certain time limit for future reference. Any changes in status shall also be registered in a similar manner.
Those who have registered according to the preceding 2 Paragraphs may be allowed to continue to raise or hold their wildlife or wildlife products, but no breeding shall be allowed except for academic research or educational purposes and with the approval of the Authorities.
Those who are engaged in raising or breeding any of the wildlife listed in Paragraph 1 before promulgation of these amendments shall be assisted bythe Authorities to cease raising or breeding the animals and change occupations within three years of the date of promulgation. If necessary, the animals may be purchased by the Authorities.
The purchased wildlife shall be treated in an appropriate and safe manner and may be sent to domestic or foreign educational or academic institutes and zoos or taken in and cared for by an organization considered appropriate by the Authorities and commissioned by them.
If necessary, the Authorities, or a commissioned organization or group, may mark the wildlife or wildlife products listed in Paragraphs 1 and 2. In addition, they may conduct regular or random inspections. The owner or keeper shall not evade, refuse, or obstruct such inspections.
The CCA is responsible for announcing the wildlife or wildlife products which shall be marked as mentioned in the preceding Paragraph.
Article 32
Wildlife kept in captivity may not be released without the approval of the Authorities.
A list of species mentioned in the preceding Paragraph shall be announced by the CCA.
Article 33
The Authorities may dispatch a representative to examinate raised or bred Protected Wildlife or dangerous wildlife. The owner or keeper of the wildlife shall not evade, refuse, or obstruct the investigation.
Article 34
Raising or breeding of Protected Wildlife or dangerous wildlife shall be cared for with appropriate husbandry, with attention given to safety and sanitation, and the proper area and facilities. The regulations for captive care areas, facilities, and care standards shall prescribed by the CCA.
Article 35
Protected Wildlife or their products shall not be traded or displayed or exhibited in public areas without the approval of the Authorities.
The types of Protected Wildlife or their products mentioned in the preceding Paragraph shall be announced by the CCA.
Article 36
The for-profit raising, breeding, trading, processing, import, or export of wildlife shall be approved by special municipal or county (city) competent authorities and shall obtain a business license according to the legislation.
The CCA shall determine regulations regarding the conditions, application process, permit contents, and other measures governing the for-profit raising, breeding, trading, or processing of wildlife as mentioned in the preceding Paragraph.
Article 37
Endangered Species and Rare and Valuable Species shall be well managed during raising or breeding and shall not escape. If an escape occurs, the owner or keeper shall either themselves or with the assistance of local authorities recover the animal.
Article 38
Whenever an Endangered or Rare and Valuable Species dies of illness or for an unknown reason, the owner or keeper shall have a veterinarian prepare an autopsy report determining the cause of death and within 30 days after death and send the autopsy report to special municipal or county (city) competent authorities for reference. If the reason for death was not a contagious disease, then any academic research institute, public or licensed private zoo, museum, wildlife owner or keeper that wishes to use the carcass to make a specimen, after approval by the Authorities, may get a veterinarian to sign a death certificate in place of an autopsy report.
Article 39
If the carcass of a Protected Wildlife is valuable for academic research or exhibition, then academic or scientific research institutions, public or licensed private zoos, or museums may purchase it in priority from the owner or keeper.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)