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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 20:16

Chapter Law Content

Chapter IV Fishing Gears and Methods, and Mitigation Measures for Incidental Catch
Article 18
For any tuna longline fishing vessel navigating through the water under national jurisdiction of any foreign country, all fishing equipment on board shall be stowed and secured, and such vessel shall not conduct activities such as arrangement of fishing gears or fishing, except that it has engaged in fisheries cooperation with the foreign country concerned.
Article 19
Any tuna longline fishing vessel shall carry on board the line cutter, de-hooker and scoop/dip net, formats of which and the instructions are as shown in Appendix 7, to release incidentally caught seabirds and sea turtles.
Article 19-1
For any tuna longline fishing vessel fishing in the Atlantic Ocean with the majority of hooks at a depth shallower than 100 meters, one of the following mitigations measures shall be used:
(1) Large circle hooks; or
(2) Fishes except for Cephalopods species used as baits.
The large circle hooks as referred to in the preceding paragraph are hooks that are above 3 inches and are circular or oval in shape. The point is turned perpendicularly back to the shank. These hooks shall have an offset not to exceed 10 degrees.
Article 20
Any tuna longline fishing vessel fishing in the Atlantic Ocean shall use the seabird mitigation measures, specifications of which are as shown in Appendix 8, in accordance with the following provisions:
(1) Any fishing vessel fishing in the area south of 20°S to 25°S shall use tori lines during fishing, and shall carry on board at least one spare set.
(2) Any fishing vessel fishing in the area south of 25°S shall, in addition to tori lines, use weighted branch lines.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)