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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Emergency Medical Services Act CH
Category: Ministry of Health and Welfare(衛生福利部)
Chapter Four Rescue Technicians
Article 24
Rescue technicians are classified into junior, middle, and senior levels.
The eligibility for training, the training itself, continuing education, medical services allowed to be performed, obligatory cooperative measures, and other matters to be complied with for different levels of rescue technicians as prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be decided by the central competent health authority.
Courses of the abovementioned training shall include medical services and rescue training in the wilderness areas.
Article 25
The municipality and county (city) competent fire-fighting authorities shall appoint medical advisory physicians, including those with wilderness medical care expertise, and establish a medical advisory system for the following matters:
1. Emergency medical services education, training, supervision and assessment for rescue technicians at all levels;
2. Formulation of quality criteria for rescue technicians at all levels and execution of quality monitoring;
3. Approval of the rescue records made by senior rescue technicians for the emergency medical services, performed according to pre-established medical services procedures.
Regulations governing the qualifications, training and other relevant matters of the appointed medical advisory physicians as prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be decided by the central competent health authority in collaboration with the central competent fire-fighting authority.
Article 26
Rescue technicians shall perform emergency medical services only at the following sites:
1.On-site of patients in emergency or mass casualties;
2.On way to hospital or referral;
3.Arrival at the destined medical care institution and before any disposal made by medical staff.
Article 27
Rescue technicians shall perform emergency medical services according to the emergency medical services operational procedures.
The emergency medical services operational procedures for patients in emergency as prescribed in the preceding Paragraph shall be decided by the municipality or county (city) competent health authorities.
Article 28
Persons not qualified as rescue technicians shall not use the title of rescue technician.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)