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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Pilotage Law CH
Category: Ministry of Transportation and Communications(交通部)
Chapter 4 Performing Pilotage Servicev
Article 21
No pilot shall perform the pilotage service unless he/she holds a pilot licence issued by the MOTC and a certificate of registration issued by the local shipping administration authority in the pilotage district.
Article 22
Pilots shall perform pilotage service within the designated pilotage district.
Article 23
Any pilot shall be physically certified by a designated hospital through a check-up that he is physically fit for pilotage service; and during the period of performing pilotage service, any pilot shall make a check-up on vision, hearing and physical constitution once a year or make such check-up whenever the shipping administration authority deems necessary.
Article 24
When performing pilotage service, any pilot shall keep with him the pilot license and other relevant certificates. No pilot shall reject the request of the master for verifying such certificates.
Article 25
When performing pilotage service, the pilot boat shall fly the signal as specified by International Code of Signal or ROC government authority, and the pilot signal light shall be exhibited during the nighttime.
The signal flag or light shall be removed as soon as the pilot leaves the pilot boat or is out of service.
Article 26
Any pilot is limited to pilot one vessel per time, except the vessel which is towed due to totally or partly losing her driven power.
Article 27
A pilot may request the tug boat employed by the owner or master of a vessel for assistance when he deems necessary.
Article 28
When piloting a vessel, a pilot may bring one certified apprentice pilot on board, or if permitted by the master of the vessel, he/she can bring two apprentice pilots.
Article 29
The owner or master of a vessel shall pay pilotage charges after the pilot is hired, no matter whether or not the vessel navigates or shifts within the port or is towed by a tug boat. If the pilot is requested to stay aboard under special circumstances, he/she shall be paid the charges for standing by.
The charges mentioned in the previous paragraph shall be paid at the rates established in the tariffs of respective pilotage districts.
Article 30
A pilot may reject to pilot a vessel if the master of the vessel makes unreasonable requests which violate ROC or international laws and regulations for navigation or the regulations for preventing collisions at sea, or if the pilotage service is unable to be performed due to proper reasons. However, the pilot shall make a statement of fact; reporting to the local shipping administration authority concerned.
Article 31
Any pilot shall report the following cases through a most prompt way to relevant authorities, and make the report again in writing in detail upon arrival at a port: 1. Any change of water passage. 2. Any new obstacle found in the water passage, which would impede the safety of navigation 3. Any change of position of a lighthouse, light boat, guidepost, buoy and aid to navigation, or any abnormal or inoperative light, signal and sound supposed to be made. 4. Any ship in distress. 5. Any ship violating navigation laws and regulations.
Article 32
Any pilot who is hired on board to pilot a vessel shall respect the commanding right of the master of the vessel.
Article 33
The master of a vessel shall provide appropriate arrangements to allow the pilot to embark or disembark safely.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)