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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter Ⅳ Classification and Qualification of Telecommunications Engineering Enterprises
Article 8
Prior to operating, a telecommunications engineering enterprise(s)shall apply to the competent authority for approval and issuance of a telecommunications engineering enterprise(s)registration license(hereinafter as “registration license”).
Upon obtaining the registration license, a telecommunications engineering enterprise shall join a pertinent telecommunications engineering enterprise association in accordance with the Industrial Group Act prior to operating the business.
Article 9
The registration of telecommunication engineering enterprises shall be categorized into class A, B, and C, the operating ranges of which shall be as follows:
Class A telecommunication engineering enterprise: conducts installation, maintenance, and construction of the interconnection of the telecommunications equipment between telecommunications enterprises and of the main distribution equipment in a switching office of the telecommunications enterprise to subscribers’ terminal equipment;
Class B telecommunication engineering enterprise: conducts installation, maintenance, and construction of main distribution equipment in switching offices of telecommunications enterprises to the subscribers’ terminal equipment;
Class C telecommunication engineering enterprise: conducts installation, maintenance, and construction within the demarcation point of responsibility of the subscriber’s property.
Article 10
Those that apply for registration of a Class A telecommunication engineering enterprise shall obtain the following:
Capital that exceeds TWD10,000,000;
A legal and fixed place of business;
Employs at least one telecommunications engineering personnel in the area of subparagraph 1; employs at least one telecommunications engineering personnel in the area of subparagraph 2; employs at least two telecommunications engineering personnel in the area of subparagraph 3; telecommunications engineering personnel shall not hold the following positions in another telecommunications engineering enterprise(s);
An electronic engineering technician, electrical engineering technician, information management technician, or personnel holding certification in a Class A communications technology category issued by the Ministry of Labor;
An electronic engineering technician, electrical engineering technician, information management technician, personnel holding certification in a Class B or above communication technology category or Class B or above network installation technician issued by the Ministry of Labor;
An electronic engineering technician, electrical engineering technician, information management technician, personnel holding certification in Class C or above communication technology category, or Class C or above network installation issued by the Ministry of Labor.
Article 11
Those that apply for registration of a Class B telecommunications engineering enterprise shall obtain the following:
Capital that exceeds TWD2,000,000;
A legal and fixed place of business;
Employs at least one telecommunication engineering personnel in the area of each subparagraph 1; telecommunication engineering personnel shall not hold the following positions in another telecommunications engineering enterprise(s),
An electronic engineering technician, electrical engineering technician, information management technician or personnel with certification in Class B or above communication technology category, or Class B or above network installation technician;
An electronic engineering technician, electrical engineering technician, information management technician, personnel with certification in Class C or above communications technology category, or Class C or above network installation.
Article 12
Those that apply for registration of a Class C telecommunications engineering enterprise shall obtain the following:
1. Capital that exceeds TWD500,000;
2. A legal and fixed place of business.
3. Employs at least one telecommunications engineering personnel who does not hold a position in another telecommunications engineering enterprise(s)in the areas of each of the following subparagraphs:
An electronic engineering technician, electrical engineering technician, information management technician.
Personnel with certification in Class C or above communications technology category, or Class C or above network installation.
Certification in Class C or above interior wire distribution, industrial wire distribution, electronic wire repair, electronic cable repair, electricity change equipment repair, electronic equipment detection category technician issued by the Ministry of Labor or Class A or Class B electrician holding certification in accordance with laws.
Article 13
The legal representative of the telecommunications engineering enterprise that obtains the qualifications stipulated in Article 10 to Article 12 may hold a position as mandatory telecommunications engineering personnel of that enterprise(hereinafter as “mandatory personnel”).
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)