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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/28 00:29

Chapter Law Content

Chapter Two - Consumer Interests
Section Two – Standard Contracts
Article 9
Article 10
Article 11
Article 12
When the existence and legibility of the terms and conditions are affected due to the font, print or other matters, those terms and conditions shall not constitute as part of the standard contract; however, consumers may still propose that terms and conditions make up as part of the standard contract.
Article 13
The following factors as to the nature, purpose, other contract clauses, trade customs and relevant matters shall be taken under consideration when determining whether the terms and conditions of a standard contract meet the principles of good faith and contract conscionability,.
Article 14
The standard terms and conditions may be considered in violation of the principle of equality and reciprocity under any of the following matters:
1. The performance and counter-performance between the contracting parties is not reciprocal;
2. The consumer is required to assume the risk which is beyond his control;
3. The consumer is required to bear disproportionate damages in case of breaching the contract; or
4. Other matters pose obvious disadvantages to the consumer.
Article 15
Trader’s inclusion of the mandatory provisions set forth and proclaimed by the competent authorities at the central government into the standard contract shall still subject to the provisions related to standard contracts in the Act.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)