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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Nuclear Emergency Response Act CH
Category: Nuclear Safety Commission(核能安全委員會)
Chapter IV Response Measures
Article 23
Quick Response
Paragraph 23.1
Upon occurrence or possible occurrence of a nuclear accident, the nuclear reactor facility licensee shall promptly carry out response measures according to the Emergency Response Plans for the Nuclear Reactor Facility and notify competent authorities of various levels.
Paragraph 23.2
Upon completion of the preceding notification, the nuclear reactor facility licensee shall send the relevant information on the accident to competent authorities of various levels or their associated emergency response organizations at a given time interval according to the provisions laid down by the central Competent Authority.
Article 24
Activation of National Nuclear Emergency Response Center and Nuclear Emergency Radiation Monitoring and Dose Assessment Center
Paragraph 24.1
Upon receipt of the notification in Paragraph 23.1, the central Competent Authority shall follow the Emergency Response Basic Plan to take the response measures promptly. When necessary it shall call the designated agency(ies) and the nuclear reactor facility licensee to activate the Nuclear Emergency Radiation Monitoring and Dose Assessment Center to carry out response operations.
Paragraph 24.2
The central Competent Authority shall report to the Executive Yuan at appropriate time based on the development of the nuclear accident and set up the National Nuclear Emergency Response Center to proceed with response measures.
Article 25
Outside Help
Upon occurrence of a nuclear accident, the government shall inform the neighboring countries and the associated international organizations at appropriate time, and shall ask their assistance when necessary.
Article 26
Activation of Regional Response Center
Paragraph 26.1
Upon receipt of the notification from the National Nuclear Emergency Response Center, the regional Competent Authority shall promptly activate the Regional Nuclear Emergency Response Center to carry out the response measures according to the Public Protection Plan within the EPZ.
Paragraph 26.2
The central Competent Authority and the nuclear reactor facility licensee shall dispatch their staff to provide nuclear technical advice to the Regional Nuclear Emergency Response Center.
Article 27
Activation of Nuclear Emergency Support Center
Upon receipt of the the notification from the National Nuclear Emergency Response Center, the Ministry of National Defense shall promptly activate the Nuclear Emergency Support Center to assist in disaster relief.
Article 28
Daily Necessity
Upon occurrence of a nuclear accident, the turnover of daily necessities and personnel activities within the EPZ shall follow the guidance and control of personnel from emergency response centers of various levels.
Article 29
Working Report
Paragraph 29.1
The designated agency(ies), the regional Competent Authority, and the nuclear reactor facility licensee shall submit an emergency response working report within a limited period of time specified by the central Competent Authority.
Paragraph 29.2
The central Competent Authority shall compile the preceding reports into a summary report for the nuclear emergency response, submit it to the Executive Yuan and make public announcement afterwards.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)