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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Section IV Application for a Permission for Temporary or Permanent Cease of Use
Article 35
Paragraph 35.1
In cases where the use of radioactive material or equipment capable of producing ionizing radiation must be ceased, the facility operator shall fill out an application form, enclose the following documents and make an application to the Competent Authority for review. After the equipment capable of producing ionizing radiation is reviewed and approved, a permission for cease of use will be granted; after the radioactive material is reviewed, inspected and approved, the permission for cease of use will be granted:
1.the original permit for use, for those who have already said issued; and
2.description of the storage area. For radioactive material, a floor plan of the storage area and the shielding planning shall be enclosed.
Paragraph 35.2
The permission referred to in Paragraph 35.1 are effective for a maximum period of two (2) years.
Paragraph 35.3
The facility operator may, within 60 to 30 days prior to the expiration of ceased use of the radioactive material or the equipment capable of producing ionizing radiation, fill out an application form and enclose all the documents provided in Subparagraph 35.1.2 to the Competent Authority for extension.
Article 36
Paragraph 36.1
In cases where an application is made to resume the use of the radioactive material or the equipment capable of producing ionizing radiation that has previously obtained the approval for cease of use, the procedure shall follow the stipulations in Article 18, Article 19, Article 23, Article 24 or Article 28; however, an application for a permission for installation may be waived in the case of use that will occur in the location originally approved by the Competent Authority.
Paragraph 36.2
If the reason for the approved cease of use referred to in Paragraph 36.1 is the lack of qualified operating personnel, the facility operator shall, when making an application for the resumption of use, fill out an application form, attach qualified operating personnel credentials, and make an application to the Competent Authority for review and approval, after which the permit for use will be issued or the registration will be approved.
Article 37
Paragraph 37.1
When a facility operator permanently ceases the use of radioactive material and treats it as radioactive waste, he/she shall fill out an application form, enclose the following documents and make an application to the Competent Authority for review and approval, after which the permission will be granted:
1.discard plan of sealed radioactive material;
2.a photocopy of the originally certifying documents of the radioactive material; and
3.documents relating to the transport details.
Paragraph 37.2
Following the approval of the application referred to in Paragraph 37.1 by the Competent Authority, the facility operator shall, within three (3) months, transport the radioactive waste to the receiving unit. Within 30 days of receipt of the said material, a radiation workplace monitoring certificate, receipt documentation and the original permit for use for those who have already said issued shall be enclosed and submitted to the Competent Authority for filing and reference.
Article 38
Paragraph 38.1
When a facility operator permanently ceases the use of radioactive material or equipment capable of producing ionizing radiation and disposes of it by shipping overseas, he/she shall fill out an application form, submit the documents relating to the transport details in the case of exporting radioactive material and make an application to the Competent Authority for review and approval, after which the permission will be granted.
Paragraph 38.2
After the application referred to in Paragraph 38.1 is approved by the Competent Authority, the facility operator shall, within 30 days after exportation, enclose a photocopy of the export documentations, the original permit for use for those who have already said issued, and the radiation workplace monitoring certificate in the case of exporting radioactive material, and submit to the Competent Authority for filing and reference.
Article 39
Paragraph 39.1
When a facility operator permanently ceases the use of equipment capable of producing ionizing radiation and disposes of it by transfer, the assignee shall proceed as follows:
1.for equipment capable of producing ionizing radiation designated as requiring an application for a permission, he/she shall proceed in accordance with the stipulations of Articles 7 and 18.
2.for equipment capable of producing ionizing radiation designated as requiring an application for registration for filing and reference, he/she shall proceed in accordance with the stipulations of Articles 7 and 23.
Paragraph 39.2
If the assignee referred to in Paragraph 39.1 is applying for possession, he/she shall proceed in accordance with the stipulations of Articles 7 and 32.
Article 40
When a facility operator permanently ceases the use of equipment capable of producing ionizing radiation and disposes of it by discard, he/she shall fill out an application form, enclose the original permit for use for those who have already said issued and make an application to the Competent Authority for review and approval, after which he/she will independently render inoperable such parts of said equipment as designated by the Competent Authority and will either take a photograph for filing and reference or request the Competent Authority to send an official to conduct an inspection.
Article 41
Paragraph 41.1
When a facility operator permanently ceases the use of unsealed radioactive material workplace, he/she shall fill out an application form, enclose the following documents and make an application to the Competent Authority for review and approval, after which he/she shall process the decontamination in accordance with the approved plan:
1.the original permit for use for those who have already said issued; and
2.decontamination plan.
Paragraph 41.2
The decontamination plan referred to in Subparagraph 41.1.2 shall include decontamination schedule, decontamination method, disposition method for radioactive waste, division of the decontamination area and measures for personnel control.
Paragraph 41.3
Following completion of the decontamination process,the facility operator shall enclose a radiation workplace monitoring certificate,and request the Competent Authority to conduct an inspection.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)