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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 19:08

Chapter Law Content

Chapter Ⅳ Personnel
Article 31
Except for special technical or important managerial employee, state-owned enterprise shall recruit their employees through open examinations.
The examination shall be held as a written examination in principle. The examination method, qualifications, subjects, grading , admission criteria and other matters shall be determined by the competent authority of the state-owned enterprise.
The projects, positions and qualifications required of the special technical or important managerial employee shall be established by the state-owned enterprises, reported to the competent authority, and published on the website.
Article 32
The personnel of state-owned enterprise who have been employed before the promulgation of this Law shall be evaluated in accordance with their work experience, seniority, and job performance in order for them to be considered for job promotions and transfers.
Article 33
The appointment, performance rating, retirement, indemnity, severance and other personnel management matters related to state-owned enterprise employees shall be proposed by the competent authorities .and reported to the Executive Yuan for approval unless otherwise prescribed by law.
Article 34
The competent authorities may appoint trustees and supervisors for state-owned enterprise which do not have corporate status if this is deemed appropriate by the Executive Yuan.
Article 35
The director, auditor, trustee, and supervisor of one state-run enterprise shall not concurrently hold the same position in another state-run enterprise, except for the purpose of merger or establishment of holding companies. Under such exceptional circumstances, the director and trustee of one state-run enterprise may concurrently hold the same position in other state-run enterprise, as well as hold the positions of auditor and supervisor. The director, auditor, trustee, and supervisor who hold the same in another state-run enterprise may be elected as the chairperson, vice chairperson of the board, or other equal positions.
At least one fifth of the directors, trustees of one state-run enterprise who represent state capital shall be recommended by the relevant labor union.
The labor union may replace the recommended directors and trustees who are considered incompetent.
Article 36
Apart from the requirements of Article 13 of the Civil Servant Service Law, the employees of state-owned enterprise shall not be engaged by or invest in enterprises of a similar nature.
Article 37
In order to prevent favoritism, Article 26 of the Civil Servant Appointment Law shall apply mutatis mutandis to all personnel appointments of state-owned enterprise.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)