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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 11:41

Chapter Law Content

Chapter IV Individual Case Analysis
Article 34
The respective joint organizing student admission teams of a reform school for juveniles shall conduct an investigative analysis of information received from the juvenile court pertaining to students newly admitted into the facility and submit a report to the school affairs committee for decision on the student’s class assignment, level rating, and teaching method.
The aforementioned student case analysis shall be conducted pursuant to psychological, educational, and medical judgment.
Article 35
The maximum period of the investigative analysis stated in the preceding article shall be one month; all information obtained should be recorded in details on data cards and separately filed for record purposes.
Article 36
A reform school for juveniles should visit the families and related social organizations or establishments of the students from time to time to investigate and gather related information of the students for case analysis and study; study reports shall serve as reference for the personal education programs of the students.
Article 37
In the period of the investigative analysis, students shall be given an opportunity to manifest their personality; the administration procedures of student living conditions should prevent escape or suicide attempts, violent behaviors, or other disciplinary violations of students.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)