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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter IV Inmate Treatment and Reward & Punishment
Article 25
The detention house provides the nourishments of juvenile inmates and ensures that proper nutrition is provided; however, inmates shall provide their own clothing, blankets, and essential items for regular use. Where inmates are unable to afford such items, the detention house shall make provisions.
Where an inmate is placed under protective custody and the court rules the full or partial assumption of inmate’s living and educational expenses, the nourishments, clothing and blanket, or essential items provided by the detention house for regular use of inmate shall be handled pursuant to Article 60 of the Juvenile Accident Act.
Article 26
Juvenile inmates shall be forbidden to use cigarettes and alcohol.
Article 27
The juvenile inmates are allowed to read books and newspapers; however, private reading material of inmates shall be examined.
Article 28
Juvenile inmates are entitled to receiving visitations and correspondences from family and friends; however, where the juvenile detention house director shall determine that such visitation or correspondence privilege shall impede case investigation progress or the welfare and interests of the juvenile inmates; visitation rights may be suspended.
All correspondences of juvenile inmates shall be opened and read where the detention house director should find such inspection necessary.
Article 29
The duration of visitation is from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and the maximum duration of each visit is thirty minutes. However, the foregoing restrictions may be waived upon the authorization of the juvenile detention house director.
Article 30
Pursuant to Article 3, Paragraph 2 of the Juvenile Accident Act, where a juvenile inmate is of schooling age, the school from which juvenile is receiving schooling should be notified to retain juvenile’s status as a student during the period of the juvenile’s incarceration.
Upon the revocation of the detention sentence of the juvenile inmate stated in the preceding paragraph according to the provisions of Article 26-2, Paragraph 1 of the Juvenile Accident Act, the school from which juvenile is receiving schooling should allow juvenile to return to school and resume his/her education.
Article 31
A juvenile detention house may order juvenile inmates to receive the appropriate skill training program; however lessons are limited to two to four hours daily.
The tools, implements, and materials needed for the skill training program stated in the preceding paragraph shall be provided by the detention house; profits earned from the art and handicraft work of inmates shall be added to the incentives and provided to the learning juvenile.
Article 32
Juvenile inmates of schooling age shall be allotted less skill training time and supervised to study for the prescribed curriculums of the respective continuing education schools in which they are enrolled.
Article 33
Where a juvenile inmate has contracted a disease, and proper medical treatment could not be provided within the detention house, upon evaluation of circumstances, matters shall be reported to the justice or public prosecutor of the jurisdictional court for inmate’s transfer to a prison hospital or for granting bail for medical treatment. Where the detention house director shall deem emergency treatment necessary, emergency procedure shall first be instituted and proper report shall be processed thereafter.
Article 34
A juvenile inmate shall receive reward under one of the following circumstances:
1. Excellent academic performance or skill performance;
2. Good behavior that may serve as a fine example for other inmates to emulate.
Article 35
Rewards and incentives to be granted for accomplishments defined in the preceding article:
1. Open commendation;
2. Awarding of prize money, books, and other award prizes.
Article 36
One or more of the following disciplinary actions shall be imposed to juvenile inmates violating disciplinary rules of the detention house:
1. Reprimand;
2. Labor service for one to three days for a maximum duration of two hours per day.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)