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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/21 06:24

Chapter Law Content

Title: Regulations for Launch Permit for Launch Vehicle and Handling of Space Accidents CH
Category: National Science and Technology Council(國家科學及技術委員會)
Chapter 4 Permit period, and change, revocation and withdrawal of permit
Article 12
When issuing a launch permit, the competent authority shall state the valid period of the permit (hereinafter the “Permit Period”), with a term not more than five years. The launch permit applicant may apply for extension three months prior to expiry of the Permit Period, and the competent authority may grant an extension at its discretion. In the absence of an extension approved by the competent authority upon expiry of the Permit Period, a new launch permit application shall be filed.
Launch permit shall not be assigned, pledged, leased, let or otherwise made used by others.
Article 13
A launch permit applicant may perform the launch on the launch date and at the launch time stated on the launch permit.
If the launch permit applicant fails to perform the launch at the scheduled launch time, it shall report to the competent authority in advance. In the event of canceled launch due to unexpected incident, it shall report to the competent authority within one day after occurrence of the incident.
Article 14
A launch permit applicant shall perform the launch in accordance with the particulars on the competent authority’s launch permit.
In the event of change to particulars on the launch permit, the launch permit applicant shall apply to the competent authority for change, and shall not perform the launch until the competent authority’s approval of the change; provided, however, if changes to the particulars are necessary to ensure launch safety and a prior application for change is difficult, an application for change shall be made to the competent authority within one day after the launch.
If the requested change is determined by the competent authority as in violation of law, likely to compromise safety of the launch activity or the launch permit applicant’s operating capability, the requested change may be rejected.
Article 15
In any of the following circumstances, the competent authority may withdraw the launch permit:
1. Application for launch permit or accompanied documents are false, untrue or contain an incomplete statement, resulting in an approval of the competent authority relying on that information or statement.
2. Application for launch permit is in violation of the Act, these Regulations and other applicable laws.
In any of the following circumstances, the competent authority may revoke the launch permit:
1. The launch permit applicant voluntarily request revocation.
2. No launch has been performed after the approved launch date without a good cause.
3. The launch permit applicant violates what has been approved in the permit, or fails to abide by the incidental provisions attached to the permit.
4. The launch vehicle or spacecraft is proven with sufficient fact to be below the launch vehicle safety standards.
5. Revocation of the launch permit is necessary for national security or public interest.
6. Major changes occur to the fact based on which the original permit is granted.
7. The launch permit applicant is subject to liquidation, bankruptcy procedure, or is dissolved or suspended by law.
8. An space accident occurs, or no improvement plan is submitted within the time limit specified by the competent authority.
Article 16
A launch permit applicant shall make supplementation or updates to the launch permit information as requested by and during the period designated by the competent authority.
If the competent authority determines it necessary to amend the launch permit due to the supplemental or updated information submitted pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the requirements in Article 14 shall be complied with.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)