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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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CHAPTER 4 Teachers
Article 31
To ensure that there are sufficient indigenous education teachers, the central competent education authority shall coordinate with each university that offers teacher training programs (hereunder referred to as “teacher education university”) and have them reserve a quota of places for indigenous students and it may provide government funded places for indigenous students or set up special teacher training programs for them, based on the requirements of the central competent education authority and of local governments for indigenous education teachers and teachers of indigenous languages.
After the government funded indigenous students referred to in the preceding paragraph obtain a Teacher’s Certificate, the central competent education authority or a local government shall assign them to schools to work. The school to which a person is assigned shall have language needs that are consistent with the person’s indigenous language expertise.
Indigenous students who participate in a teacher education university’s publicly announced procedure to be admitted as government funded students or in a teacher education university’s internal selection of students it will fund shall have obtained an indigenous language proficiency certificate at intermediate level or above. Before graduating, the government funded indigenous students shall have obtained an indigenous language proficiency certificate at high-intermediate level or above.
Article 32
The training of teachers of ethnic education for schools at senior secondary level and below and the obtaining of qualifications shall be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the Teacher Education Act and related regulations.
The central competent education authority may coordinate the teacher education universities to provide pre-service teacher education courses to provide opportunities for further studies to currently employed indigenous language teachers, indigenous language teaching support staff, or substitute teachers who have already been engaged in indigenous language teaching in an indigenous key school and/or a remote area school for four semesters.
Personnel referred to in the preceding paragraph who have completed pre-service teacher education courses with satisfactory results shall be issued a Pre-service Teacher Education Completion Certificate by the teacher education university they attended, and the central competent education authority shall issue a Teacher’s Certificate to those who have graduated from university and have passed a teacher qualification examination and completed practical education training with satisfactory results. However, indigenous language teachers, indigenous language teaching support staff, and substitute indigenous language teachers who have been engaged in indigenous language teaching in an indigenous key school and/or a remote area school for a total of more than four semesters in the past three years may be given an exemption from doing the practical education training if they have a good performance record and they give a satisfactory demonstration of their teaching.
Those who have obtained a Teacher’s Certificate in accordance with the preceding paragraph and have been appointed by an indigenous key school or a remote school at senior secondary level or below, after a public selection, as a qualified full-time teacher within its staffing complement shall teach ethnic education courses at an indigenous key school and/or a remote area school for at least six years, before they may lodge an application for a transfer to work at a school which is not an indigenous key school or at a school which is not in a remote area.
Article 33
Indigenous key schools shall in principle appoint at least one teacher who has the qualifications specified in Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 3 of the preceding article to a position within their prescribed complement of full-time teaching staff.
Article 34
When selecting fulltime teachers for indigenous key schools and indigenous classes teachers who have one of the local indigenous identities shall be appointed to constitute a specific proportion of the teacher vacancies being filled in the current year.
Within ten years from when this amendment of the Act comes into force on May 24, 2019, the proportion of teachers with an indigenous identity appointed to teach in indigenous key schools offering elementary stage education shall not be permitted to be less than one-third of the school’s teaching staff or to comprise a lower proportion of the teaching staff than the proportion of the school’s total student population comprised by its indigenous students. The proportion of teachers with an indigenous identity appointed to teach in indigenous key schools offering junior high school and senior secondary stage education is not permitted to be less than 5% of the teaching personnel at any such school.
The specific proportion of the teacher vacancies referred to in Paragraph 1 shall be decided by the competent education authority concerned.
If at least one-half of the students at an indigenous key school have an indigenous identity, when a person is being selected or appointed to be the school’s director or principal, preference shall be given to selecting a person who has an indigenous identity and who is qualified to be appointed as a director or a principal.
The regulations governing the selection and appointment of the teachers, directors, and principals referred to in Paragraph 1 and in the previous paragraph shall be prescribed by the central competent education authority in conjunction with the central competent indigenous peoples’ affairs authority.
Article 35
In order to implement teaching of indigenous peoples’ languages, cultures, and art, educational institutions of all types at all levels may select and appoint senior members of indigenous ethnic groups or persons with relevant expertise to provide related teaching support. The regulations governing their accreditation shall be prescribed by the central competent indigenous peoples’ affairs authority.
Article 36
In conjunction with the central competent education authority, the central competent indigenous peoples’ affairs authority shall regularly organize ethnic education related training programs and workshops to enhance the professional skills of indigenous education teachers.
Article 37
Indigenous education teachers shall study courses on indigenous peoples’ cultures and/or multi-cultural education courses to improve their professional teaching skills. The regulations governing the courses, course credits, the number of hours to be attended, and other related matters shall be prescribed by the central competent indigenous peoples’ affairs authority in conjunction with the central competent education authority.
Governments at all levels shall provide opportunities to learn about indigenous cultures and multi-culturalism to enhance the basic knowledge of multicultural and indigenous education related of the teachers and other staff in schools at senior secondary level and below and enhance their professional development.
Teachers responsible for teaching indigenous languages shall have passed a language proficiency accreditation certificate test for the language they teach; the regulations governing their accreditation shall be prescribed by the central competent indigenous peoples’ affairs authority.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)