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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 19:22

Chapter Law Content

Chapter Two Bonds in physical Certificates
Section 2 - Sale
Article 13
Where the bonds are issued through tender sale or placement sale, the amount shall be appropriated to the National Treasury on the date or the following date of issuance, and inform the Ministry of Finance. Where commissioned sale is adopted, the date for depositing the amounts to the National Treasury shall be fixed.
Article 14
Registered certificates shall be sold during the prescribed time period only by a bank branch appointed to make the payment of principal and interest. In addition, purchasers shall submit a completed seal specimen card for record and verification.
Article 15
When registered certificates are sold, a stamp with the characters of "The payment for this registered certificate shall be exclusively made by ○○" shall be affixed to the back of the certificates of principal and interest coupons, and registered the name of the purchaser.
Article 16
A bank branch shall register the number of the registered certificates, and submit those numbers to the bank's head offices for a further transfer to the Central Bank of China, which shall, after the sale is completed, combine those numbers, prepare a list of serial numbers of registered certificates, and deliver the same to the institutions in charge of payment of principal and interest and the Ministry of Finance for their record.
Article 17
When selling registered certificates, a bank branch shall enter the certificates sold in the "Registry for Registered Certificate."
Article 18
When transferring or assigning a registered certificate, the holder shall fill out a "Closing Application" and shall submit the certificates and new seal specimen card made in duplicate to the bank branch selling the certificates for closing.
Article 19
As the certificates are sold, the holder shall not request to register or cancel the registration.
Article 20
Upon maturity of a registered certificate, the holder shall receive the payment of principal and interest from the bank branch selling the certificates by presenting the identical seal.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)