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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/18 08:40

Chapter Law Content

Chapter 4 Penalty
Article 26
The Customs may issue a warning or administer a fine of more than NTD 6000 and less than NTD 30000 pursuant to Article 83-1 of Act against the forwarder that violates Paragraph 3 of Articles 6, Paragraph 2 of Articles 7 or Article 10 of these Regulations and may order the forwarder to improve before a certain period of time; the fine shall be charged per violation in case of failure to improve before the given deadline. Failure to complete the said remedy after 3 consecutive fines or in the case of serious violation, may be subject to a suspension of submitting manifest and reporting those of transshipment and transited goods to Customs for a period of not more than 6 months or revocation of tis registration.
Article 27
The Customs may administer a suspension of operation for a period of not more than 6 months or registration revocation pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 93 of Act against a forwarder that violates Paragraph 2 of Article 14 of these Regulations.
Article 28
The Customs may issue a warning or administer a fine of more than NTD 6000 and less than NTD 30000 pursuant to Article 83-1 of Act against the forwarder that violates Articles 11 ,Paragraphs 1 and 4 of Articles 11-1, Articles 12, or Articles 13 of these Regulations and may order the forwarder to improve within a certain period of time; the fine shall be charged per violation in case of failure to improve by the given deadline. Failure to complete the said remedy after 3 consecutive fines or in the case of serious violation, may be subject to a suspension of submitting manifest and reporting those of transshipment and transited goods to Customs for a period of not more than 6 months or revocation of its registration.
Article 29
The Customs may issue a warning or administer a fine of more than NTD 6000 and less than NTD 30000 pursuant to Article 83-1 of Act against the forwarder that violates Paragraphs 1 and 3 of Articles 16,Paragraphs 1 and 3 of Articles 17, Paragraphs 1 and 4 of Articles 18, Paragraphs 1 and 3 of Articles 19,Paragraph 1 of Articles 20 or Article 21 of these Regulations and may order the forwarder to improve within a certain period of time; the fine shall be charged per violation in case of failure to improve by the given deadline. Failure to complete the said remedy after 3 consecutive fines or in the case of serious violation, may be subject to a suspension of submitting manifest and reporting those of transshipment and transited goods to Customs for a period of not more than 6 months or revocation of its registration.
Article 30
The Customs may issue a warning or administer a fine of more than NTD 6000 and less than NTD 30000 pursuant to Article 83-1 of Act against the forwarder that violates Articles 22,Paragraphs 1 to 2 and 5 of Articles 23 or Article 25 of these Regulations and may order the forwarder to improve within a certain period of time; the fine shall be charged per violation in case of failure to improve by the given deadline. Failure to complete the said remedy after 3 consecutive fines or in the case of serious violation, may be subject to a suspension of submitting manifest and reporting those of transshipment and transited goods to Customs for a period of not more than 6 months or revocation of its registration.
Article 30-1
In case where a forwarder violates these Regulations or the Regulations Governing the Management of Customs Clearance for Transited and Transshipment Goods, which constitutes a serious violation whose total amount of fine reaches NTD 300,000 within the same year, it shall be suspended from manifest declaration and the business of transshipment and transit for a period of 6 months. Where the total amount of fine reaches NTD 1,000,000, the registration of forwarding business shall be abolished.
The fines imposed before May 24, 2023, the date when these Regulations were amended, will not be accumulated to the amount prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)