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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/18 07:34

Chapter Law Content

Title: Implementation Regulations on Veterans Schooling CH
Category: Veterans Affairs Council(國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會)
Chapter 4 Scholarships and Grants
Article 16
The Commission may, according to the actual requirements, request the schools to work out the regulations on public recruitment in accordance with relevant provisions, and hold the entrance examination for the veterans to attend colleges and universities after reporting the aforementioned regulations to the Ministry of Education for approval.
Article 17
The veterans who are studying in a college or university or a school abroad, and have the formal qualification as the students of the school may apply to the Commission for scholarships and grants. The fundamentals for application will be prescribed by the Commission.
Article 18
The Commission may from time to time sent personnel to visit the chools where there are veteran students, so as to know about the actual situation of their study
Article 19
Upon suspending the schooling due to certain reasons, the in-school veterans shall make prior report to the Commission for reference; otherwise, the Commission will never provide assistance or guidance for them to return to the schools.
Article 20
Where a veteran student is dismissed or seriously punished because of violation of the regulations of the school or commitment of serious misconduct, and it is confirmed that it is the case through investigation, the Commission will stop granting him the schooling subsidy.
Article 21
These Regulations will take effect as of the date of promulgation.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)