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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter 4  Meetings
Article 34
The University sets a University Affairs Conference as the highest decision meeting of the University's affairs. Composed of the president, the vice president, the chief secretary, directors of the units, teacher representatives, staff representatives, officer representatives and student representatives, the Conference is presided over by the president, and shall be held once every term, where necessary temporary meetings may be held, to discuss important affairs such as development plan of the University. The above-mentioned teacher representatives and student representatives shall be determined through election. In principle, the teacher representatives shall be not less than? of the total meeting attendees, and the professor or associate professor representatives not less than 2/3 of the total teacher representatives. The methods for determining other representatives and
the percentages will be prescribed otherwhere.
Article 35
The University organizes an Administrative Meeting composed of the president, vice president, chief secretary, director of the Academic Affairs Division, director of the Student Affairs Division, director of the Department of General Affairs, deans of the colleges, and the directors of other units. The Meeting is presided over by the president, and shall be called once every two weeks to discuss the important administrative affairs of the University.
Article 36
The university may call academic affairs meeting, student affairs meeting, general affairs meeting, and college/department (institute) affairs meeting according to the actual requirements, and may invite scholars, experts, and representatives of relevant institutions to attend the meetings where necessary. Where the student's study or life or regulations on rewarding and punishment are concerned in the above-mentioned meetings, some student representatives shall be elected to attend the meetings.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)