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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter IV Management of Forest Products
Article 31
The natural forest products in the lands reserved for indigenous people shall be disposed in accordance with the Regulations on Disposal of State-owned Forest Products if it is not prescribed in these Regulations.
Article 32
In order to promote the development and utilization of the lands reserved for indigenous people or collect construction funds, the Township / City / District Offices may compile a plan for cutting the trees in the lands reserved for indigenous people, submit to the central competent authority in charge of forestry for approval, and then request the municipal or county / city competent authority to sell the trees through public tendering.
Article 33
The tree-cutting plan as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be compiled in the principle of sustainable production and no encumbering the national security, and shall comply with the administrative policies concerning indigenous people and the land utilization plans.
Article 34
For the following materials, an application may be submitted to the Township / City / District Office to apply for collecting the natural forest products in the lands reserved for indigenous people with the approval of the municipal or county /city competent authority:
1. The materials required for a government department to use for emergency repair in case of disaster or for construction of public facilities in mountainous areas.
2. The byproducts or materials to be collected and used by the indigenous people without providing compensation in the areas allocated by the municipal and county / city competent authorities.
3. The bamboos and woods required for indigenous people to cultivate fungus or manufacture handworks.
4. The woods encumbering foresting, reclaiming or operation with a standing volume under 30m3/ha.
Article 35
Violation of the provision of the preceding article will be punished according to relevant laws and regulations, and the forest products collected shall be called back; if the products cannot be returned, the actor shall undertake the liability of compensation.
Article 36
For the foresting bamboos and woods in the lands reserved for indigenous people, the examination procedure for cutting shall be handled in accordance with the Regulations on Examination for Cutting and Collection of Forest Products.
Article 37
The ownership of the bamboos and woods in the public productive enterprises in the lands reserved for indigenous people located in a township / city / district shall be vested in the township / city / district.
Article 38
In order to protect the ecological resources and ensure the national security, in any of the following occasions, the governing competent authority shall limit the cutting of bamboos and woods in the lands reserved for indigenous people:
1. The hypsography is abrupt or the soil layer is shallow, so it is difficult to recover the forest.
2. The soil is likely to be eroded or the public welfare is prone to be affected if the woods are cut.
3. It is determined that nursing shall be strengthened in the area.
4. The woods are located in the water-gathering area of reservoirs, the source area of stream, the erosion belt of river bank, the wind-affected area along seacoast, or the sandbank areas.
5. The woods may be preserved as mother trees or for collect seeds.
6. The cutting shall be limited in order to protect ecology, landscape, scenic spots, or historic sites or according to other laws and regulations.
Article 39
In principle, indigenous people shall be employed to undertake the labor, except the technical work, of cutting or collecting the state-owned or public-owned forest products in the land reserved for indigenous people.
Article 40
The municipal and county / city competent authorities shall, jointly with the related government departments, assist and encourage foresting in the lands reserved for indigenous people, and the assistance and encouragement measures shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)