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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter Ⅱ Industrial board of trade
Section Two: Members
Article 10
The multi-occupation factory mentioned in Article 13 of the act refers to factory that produces more than two kinds of products that belong to different trades or industries.
Article 11
In joining the industrial board of trade, a factory should first fill in an application form and submit it along with its registration license in two folds to the relevant industrial board of trade, then the council shall check the submitted materials; after approval of the council, the industrial board of trade should make a scroll of member and member representatives and submit it along with the copies of application form and registration license to competent authorities for check and reference.
Article 12
After issuing the registered business licenses to factories, the purpose enterprise competent authorities should monthly submit the scroll of registered factories to National league of Industries, general of R.O.C so that it may inform the relevant groups to promote the registered factories to join in the relevant industrial boards of trade.
Article 13
Industrial board of trade should issue membership certificates to its member factories, containing the names of member factories and principals, enrollment date, addresses of factories and issuing date of membership certificates; issue representative certificates to member representatives, containing the member representative’s name, date of birth, native place, gender, enrollment date, place of work, title, household’s address, corresponding address, I.D number with a mug shot of two inches sticking on the certificate.
Article 14
Industrial board of trade should inform its member factories of the calling of general meeting one month beforehand, so that member factories may declare whether they will continue to appoint the former representatives or appoint new representatives twenty days before the general meeting, those who don’t declare in time automatically abandon the right of appointing former and new representatives. Both the information and declaration should be made in written form.
Article 15
When appointing former and/or new member representatives, factories should inform industrial board of trade in written form.
Article 16
In addition to registration under circumstances of particular changes, industrial board of trade should make a member factory registration book and a member representative registration book respectively, and it should check the registration books one month before the calling of general meeting every year so that it may revise the registration books accordingly; industrial board of trade should make a scroll of member factories and a scroll of member representative respectively and send them to competent authorities for check and reference 15 days before the calling of general meeting.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)