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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter Ⅳ: Corrective Measures
Article 18
The relevant committees shall review and render a decision on proposals by the Control Yuan for corrective measures to the Executive Yuan and its subordinate agencies as stipulated in Article 24 of the Act.
If a committee deems, upon review of investigation reports in which corrective measures were not proposed or the investigation documents submitted in entrusted investigations, that a proposal for corrective measures is necessary, it shall nominate an examination member or other member to make the proposal.
Article 19
The relevant committees shall decide in conference whether a corrective measure shall be announced and served to an agency.
Article 20
If the Executive Yuan or its subordinate organ has not replied on the facts of improvements made and actions taken within two months of receiving the corrective measures, the relevant committee should convene for discussion and, by resolution, may submit written questions or notify the officials in charge at the Executive Yuan or its subordinate organ executives to submit to questioning at the Control Yuan.
Article 20-1
Circumstances in which the Executive Yuan or its subordinate organ has not replied to the corrective measures as prescribed in Article 25 of the Rules shall be handled in accordance with the provision of the previous article. In cases where the improvements or actions have been perfunctory, irresponsible, delayed or not been made or that incidents of the same nature have re-occurred after the improvements are made, the superior official in charge may be handled in accordance with Articles 6 and 19 of the Rules after substantiation by investigation.
Article 21
Upon receiving the reply by the Executive Yuan or its relevant subordinate organs on the improvements made or actions taken on the corrective measures, the relevant committee shall transfer the reply to the initiating members for attestation and comment and then convene a meeting for discussion. If the initiating members do not provide attestation or comment within one month, the committee may handle the case directly. When deemed appropriate following examination, the committee may resolve to draft a case closing report and submit it to the Control Yuan meeting.
If the committee deems that further examination is needed, it may resolve to have the Control Yuan issue a written inquiry to the relevant authorities or assign committee members to investigate. If the case is deemed appropriate after the inquiry or investigation, the committee shall resolve to draft a closing report and submit it to the Control Yuan meeting.
Article 22
Where a decision has been made to publicize a corrective case, said case shall be published in the Control Yuan of the Republic of China Gazette or the Control Yuan website, and shall be accompanied by a press release.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)