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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: The Environmental Education Act CH
Category: Ministry of Environment(環境部)
Chapter 3 Environmental education underwriting agency’s responsibilities
Article 8
The competent government authorities of all levels and the competent central government authorities in charge of the designated enterprises shall allocate a budget as per the preceding three articles’ national environmental education abstract, and environmental education action plan, with which to carry out environmental education-related measures.
The competent government authorities of all levels are required to set up an environmental education fund, and its funding sources are as follows,
1. From the environmental protection fund set up by the competent government authorities of all levels, an expenditure budget amount of at least five percent is to be allocated per year, which is to be allotted as subsidy (donation) fund, except where there is no cumulative surplus on said fund.
2. From the proceeds the execution agency derives from executing the waste recycling work as per the Waste Disposal Act, ten percent of the amount is to be allocated and allotted each year.
3. From the proceeds of penalty fines the competent government authorities of all levels have collected for breaching the environmental protection law or self-government acts, five percent of which is to be allocated and allotted each year.
4. Fund interest gains.
5. Donations by the people, businesses or organizations.
6. Other forms of income.
The environmental protection fund stated in part 1 of the preceding paragraph refers to the fund besides the aforesaid environmental education fund, the funds set up by the competent central and central-ruled municipality, county (municipal) municipality authorities, of which the resource recycling management fund shall be limited to non-profit funds.
Of the environmental education fund as stated in part 2, the competent government authorities of all levels shall set up a fund management board charged with managing and utilizing the fund.
The aforesaid management board may appoint the board members, who are to serve a two-year tenure, of whom the number of experts, scholars and private group representatives may not fall below two-thirds of the total board members.
The aforesaid part 2’s environmental education fund’s receipt/payout, safekeeping and utilization measure is to be separately defined by the competent government authorities of all levels.
Article 9
The purpose of the environmental education fund shall be utilized for staging the following measures as enlisted under Article 5 to Article 7 of the national environmental education abstract, and the environmental education action plan.
1. To conduct environmental seminars.
2. To conduct environmental education campaign and activity.
3. To compile environmental education teaching materials, campaign literature and handbooks.
4. To conduct environmental education research and development.
5. To promote environmental education global exchange and cooperation.
6. To subsidize environmental education facility or venues in conducting environmental education activity.
7. To facilitate environmental education institutions conduct environmental education personnel training or environmental seminars.
8. To subsidize the conducting of environmental education plans.
9. To train environmental education personnel.
10. Other environmental education-related promotion efforts.
Article 10
The competent central government authorities and the competent central government authorities in charge of specific enterprises shall conduct the certification of environmental education institutions and environmental education personnel.
The competent government authorities of all levels shall conduct on their own or commission an appointed environmental education institution to carry out the environmental education personnel training, environmental seminars or certification the act has defined.
The measure governing part one’s environmental education institutions’ qualification, certification billing criteria, evaluation, certification effective period, revocation, abrogation, management and other mandated compliance matters is to be defined by the competent central government authorities.
The environmental education personnel stated in part one may be certified by their education, exposure, expertise, referral appointment, or through examinations; the measure governing their qualification, certification effective period, revocation, abrogation, management and other mandated compliance matters is to be defined by the competent central government authorities.
The competent central government authorities in charge of specific enterprises, as stated in part one, in conducting the certification of environmental education institutions and environmental education personnel, shall declare it with the competent central government authorities pending further verification.
Article 11
The competent central government authorities are to appoint experts, academics and relevant governmental agency (institution), organization representatives to launch a national environmental education review board to review, coordinate and advise on the national environmental education abstract and action plan.
The aforesaid experts, academics and organization representatives may not fall below two-thirds, and the Executive Yuan’s Environmental Protection Administration minister is to act as the convener, with the staff’s work to be overseen by the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan.
Article 12
The competent central-ruled municipality and county (municipal) municipality authorities are to appoint experts, academics and relevant governmental agency (institution), organization representatives to launch an environmental education review board to review, coordinate and advise on a central-ruled municipality or county (municipal) municipality’s environmental education action plan, with which to excel a jurisdiction’s environmental education implementation and development.
The aforesaid experts, academics and organization representatives may not fall below two-thirds, and a central-ruled municipality, county (municipal) municipality mayor is to act as the convener, with the staff’s work to be overseen by a central-rule municipality, county (municipal) municipality authorities.
Article 13
The competent authorities of all levels and the central industry competent authorities shall appoint a department or person that is in charge of environmental education for the planning, campaigning, promotion, guidance, rewarding and assessment of environmental education.
Article 14
The competent government authorities of all levels and the competent central government authorities in charge of specific enterprises shall integrate, develop unique environmental education facility and resources, and also to adopt with priority idle space, buildings or spearhead the private sector to install environmental education facility, venues, by which to instill and provide comprehensive, professional environmental education service, information and resources.
Of environmental education facility or venues receiving the environmental education fund’s subsidies, the participants are to be given incentives when conducting environmental education activity.
The competent central government authorities shall conduct the certification of environmental education facility, venues as stated in part one; the measure governing their qualification, billing criteria, evaluation, certification valid period, revocation, abrogation, management and other mandated compliance matters is to be defined by the competent central government authorities.
Article 15
For the purpose of conducting the certification of environmental education personnel, institutions and environmental education facility, venues, the competent central government authorities are to extend invitations for competent central government authorities in charge of specific enterprises and experts and academics to review the process.
Article 16
The competent government authorities of all levels are to spearhead their school districts to study and draft an environmental learning program or teaching materials, and also to implement a diverse teaching activity by utilizing classroom teaching and campus space to conduct the environmental education for school faculty, administrative employees and student body.
Article 17
The competent government authorities of all levels, in facilitating the promotion of environmental education, may upon securing the written consent of environmental education personnel disclose the essential information concerning an individual’s expertise.
The competent government authorities of all levels may provide the environmental education personnel with insurance coverage, transportation expenditure and other necessary support; the amount is to be determined by the competent government authorities of all levels.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)