Chapter 3 Assessment, Prevention and Management of Concerned Chemical Substances
Article 24
The central competent authority must, based on management requirements, officially announce as a chemical substance of concern any chemical substance with characteristics that meet the chemical substances of concern as defined in Article 3.
Unless other regulations apply, the handling of chemical substances of concern shall be conducted in compliance with methods officially announced or approved by the central competent authority.
The central competent authority must, based on management requirements, officially announce control concentration standards and graded handling quantity of Paragraph 1.
Article 25
Enterprises handling chemical substances of concern announced shall apply to the special municipality, county or city competent authority for approval and shall implement handling in compliance with the approval document content.
With regard to the handling of chemical substances of concern in Paragraph 1, when the total quantity handled is less than the graded handling quantity announced in Paragraph 3 of Articles 24, the case shall not be subject to the restrictions of Articles 35 to 41.
The central competent authority shall determine the regulations for handling approval applications, review procedures, permit issuance (replacement and re-issue), validity period, changes, extension, cancellation, revocation, and other binding matters in Paragraph 1.
Article 26
The handler shall produce regular reports concerning the specified handling of chemical substances of concern, and such records must be properly preserved for future reference.
The central competent authority shall determine regulations governing record production and format, and report content, frequency, approach, preservation, and other binding matters in Paragraph 1.
Article 27
In compliance with regulations, the handler shall mark toxicity and pollution control items on chemical substances of concern containers, packaging, and handling premises and facilities, and shall keep safety data sheets for the substances in question on hand.
The central competent authority shall determine implementation procedures governing the container, packaging, and handling premise and facility markings, and safety data sheet production, classification, pictures, content, format, installation, and other binding matters in Paragraph 1.
Article 28
A handler of chemical substances of very concern may not sell or transfer chemical substances of concern to those who have not obtained approval as prescribed in Article 25. However, the case shall not be subject to this restriction if it has been reported to and received the approval of the special municipality, county, or city competent authority in advance.
The sell or transfer in Paragraph 1 may not be undertaken by mail order, online shopping or other transaction platform wherein the identities of the given parties may not be identified.
Article 29
Other provisions on the use of chemical substances of concern shall be governed by the provisions of Article 12, Articles 14 to 16, Article 18, and Articles 22 and 23.