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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/01 08:24

Chapter Law Content

Title: Climate Change Response Act CH
Category: Ministry of Environment(環境部)
Chapter 3 Climate Change Adaptation
Article 17
In response to climate change, the Government shall promote adaptation capacity building as follows:
1. By science-based, examine existing data, estimate possible climate change in the future, and scientifically evaluate related risks, thereby strengthening risk management and adaptability to climate change.
2. Enhance climate change resilience by reinforcing adaptation capacities related to the environment, disaster response, facilities and energy resources.
3. Ensure that climate change adaptation measures correspond with national sustainable development goals.
4. Establish climate change governance and coordination mechanisms between all levels of government to consolidate regional adaptation capacities, integrating cross-sectoral and multi-level tasks.
5. Implement green financial mechanisms and promotion measures in response to the need for climate change adaptation.
6. Promote industries emerging under climate change; assist and encourage the development of technologies for climate change adaptation; research, develop and promote products and business opportunities derived from climate change adaptation.
7. Foster climate change adaptation education, cultivate talent, raise civic awareness and promote activities relevant thereto.
8. Strengthen the capacity of vulnerable groups to respond to climate change impacts.
9. Integrate comprehensive, indigenous, and community-based climate change adaptation policies and measures.
10. Other matters related to capacity building for climate change adaptation.
All citizens, entities and organizations shall dedicate themselves to building climate change adaptation capacities mentioned in the preceding paragraphs.
Article 18
The central competent authority and the central science and technology competent authority shall: advance climate change science and conduct research and development related to adaptation to climate change impacts; research, analyze and ascertain climate change trends in cooperation with meteorological agencies; organize and summarize climate change science, scenarios and impact studies and periodically publicize scientific reports on climate change.
The central competent authority and the central science and technology competent authority shall assist governments at all levels to carry out climate change risk assessments according to the scientific reports mentioned in the previous paragraph, as the basis to develop and implement adaptation programs and strategies and plan an early warning system and systematic monitoring.
The operational guidelines for climate change risk assessment referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be determined by the central competent authority in consultation with relevant agencies.
Article 19
The central industry competent authorities shall formulate and revise the Adaptation Action Programs for particular sectors (“Adaptation Action Program”), in accordance with corresponding sectors vulnerable to climate change impacts. The Adaptation Action Programs should be four years in each sector. The authority should set up new climate adaption goals according to Article 5 (3), Article 6 and Article 17.
The central industry competent authority shall establish the foregoing Adaptation Action Programs and Adaptation goals. The central industry competent authority shall invite relevant central and local agencies, scholars, experts, and NGOs to participate through public hearing processes to review the Sectoral Adaptation Action Programs, and submit them to the central competent authority.
The central competent agency shall integrate the first Adaptation Action Programs and establish a National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan (“National Adaptation Plan”), which shall be implemented and open to the public after receiving approval from the Executive Yuan.
Pursuant to the first paragraph, the central industry competent authorities shall submit an annual report on the implementation of the Adaptation Action Program to the central competent authority. After approval by the Executive Yuan, it shall be made available to the public.
Article 20
In accordance with the Action Guidelines, National Adaptation Plan and Adaptation Action Program, special municipality, county and city competent authorities shall invite relevant local government agencies, scholars, experts, and NGOs to hold workshops, or widely gather opinions in other formats, to determine the content of Climate Change Adaptation Implementation Programs (“Adaptation Implementation Program”). The said programs will be submitted to the special municipality, county and city climate change response steering groups, and after receiving approval from the central competent authority along with relevant central industry competent authorities, be made available to the public and implemented.
Special municipality, county and city competent authorities shall deliver annual reports on the Adaptation Implementation Program to their respective climate change response steering groups, and make the reports available to the public.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)