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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter 3 Occupational Rehabilitation Allowance
Article 8
The subsidy recipients of the occupational rehabilitation allowance stipulated in these Regulation are the insured persons who receive occupational rehabilitation services from the following institutions:
1. Medical institutions with occupational injury and illness clinics authorized in accordance with Article 73 of this Law (hereinafter referred to as accredited medical institutions).
2. Professional rehabilitation institutions authorized and established in accordance with Paragraph 3 of Article 66 of this Act.The occupational rehabilitation services specified in the preceding paragraph include return to work plan formulation, job analysis, work simulation assessment, functional ability assessment, work hardening training assessment, and physiological and psychological work hardening training.
Article 9
If the insured meets the application conditions in the preceding article, after completing the occupational rehabilitation services in the preceding article, he or she shall submit the following documents to the local competent authority to apply for occupational rehabilitation subsidy:
1. Application form.
2. Certificate of completion of occupational rehabilitation services issued by an accredited medical institution or an accredited occupational rehabilitation professional institution.
3. A copy of the bankbook cover of the applicant’s domestic financial institution.
4. Other documents designated by the local competent authority.
Article 10
The local competent authority shall complete the review within 30 days after receiving the application documents in the preceding article and notify the review results in writing.
Article 11
The amount of occupational rehabilitation allowance shall be based on the number of service days stated in the certificate of completion of occupational rehabilitation services in Paragraph 2 of Article 9. The allowance is set at 60% of the insured salary for the first grade in the salary classification table, divided by a daily standard of 30, and is limited to 180 days of payment.
Article 12
Occupational rehabilitation allowance will not be granted under any of the following circumstances:
1.False claims.
2.Avoiding, hindering or refusing tracking, visiting or checking by the central or local competent authorities.
3.Other violations of the provisions of the Act or this Regulation.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)