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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter III Specific Soil and Water Conservation Treatment and Maintenance
Article 20
The contents of a long-term soil and water conservation plan for a designated soil and water conservation area mentioned in Article 19 of the Act are as follows:
1. Type delimited and purpose of delimitation.
2. Location, scope and area delimited.
3. Plan depicting the current land use (on a scale not less than 1/5,000).
4. Basic information on the environmental condition, including the geology, soil, ecology, meteorology, and hydrology of the environment, land ownership, and the managing authority.
5. Layout depicting the overall soil and water conservation planning (on a scale not less than 1/5,000).
6. Plan depicting the order in which soil and water conservation is to be treated and maintained in different areas by stages (on the same scale as mentioned in the preceding subparagraph, and marked in different colors by the stages of handling).
7. Content, enforcement unit, method of enforcement, estimated budget with respect to the handling plan for different stages and areas.
8. Restrictions.
9. Location, scope, content and reason for the requirement for specific or general workmanship in handling.
10. Funds and source thereof.
Article 20-1
The approval of development activities that involves neither a change in terrain features of a specific scale with Paragraph 2, Article 19 of the Act, the central level responsible authority may assign a subordinate agency or delegate municipal, county or city competent authorities to handle the aforesaid matters.
Article 21
The managing authority of designated soil and water conservation areas establishing a protection belt in accordance with Paragraph 1, Article 20 of the Act shall conduct surveys, lay conspicuous boundary markers or plant boundary trees, and submit the following information to the central level responsible authority either directly or through the special municipality regulatory authority, for approval.
1. Basis of establishment.
2. Purpose of establishment.
3. Scope including a location plan and scope map, on a scale not less than 1/5,000,and area of protection belt.
4. Lot number, area, and owner of each lot of land mentioned in the preceding subparagraph, name and domicile of the legal occupant of public land, and status of and restrictions on use of land.
5. Date of implementation.
Article 22
In the event of the building of a reservoir pursuant to Article 29 of the Act, the protection belt of the reservoir must be included as an important item of the building project and handled concurrently with the project.
Article 23
Where the protection belt delimited in a designated soil and water conservation area is slopeland, the management authority of designated soil and water conservation areas shall, after applying on its own initiative to the central or special municipality regulatory authority for amendment and identification of such land as land suitable for afforestation or land subject to strengthened conservation, request the land administration regulatory authority in writing to amend and list said land as forestry land or national protection land pursuant to regulations.
The management authority of designated soil and water conservation areas mentioned in the preceding paragraph may increase its reward to soil and water conservation obligor for completing afforestation.
The management authority of designated soil and water conservation areas shall notify the result of the amendment mentioned in Paragraph 1 to the land operator, occupant or owner, or in the event of public land, to the land management authority as well.
Article 24
Pursuant to Paragraph 3, Article 20 of the Act, the management authority of designated soil and water conservation areas shall apply to the central or special municipality regulatory authority in writing for amendment and identification of any forest area above a protection belt as land suitable for afforestation, and then request the competent forestry authority to list such land as protection forest pursuant to Forest Act.
The management authority of designated soil and water conservation areas shall directly refer the matter to the management authority responsible for forest operation in the event the land mentioned in the preceding paragraph is state-owned forestry area, forestland for experimentation, or protection forest land.
Article 25
In addition to what is provided in the preceding article, the management authority of designated soil and water conservation areas shall request the central forestry regulatoryauthority either directly or through the special municipality regulatory authority, in writing, to list land within a protection belt that belongs to a forest area pursuant to Paragraph 2, Article 21 of the Act, as protection forest pursuant to Forest Act.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)