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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter III Management of Catch Tagging and Catch Report
Article 15
Prior to fishing operation, fishery operators of longline fishing vessels authorized by the central competent authority to conduct Pacific bluefin tuna fishing operation shall apply for and obtain Pacific bluefin tuna tags of the current year from the central competent authority.
Article 16
Any Pacific bluefin tuna shall be tagged immediately at the appropriate position when being caught by any longline fishing vessel.
Article 17
In the event that any Pacific bluefin tuna is caught by fishing vessels of the other directed fisheries or the set net fishery, fishery operators concerned shall, before landing, apply for and obtain Pacific bluefin tuna tags from the central competent authority, and tag the Pacific belufin tuna at the appropriate position at the time of landing.
Article 18
Captains of longline fishing vessels or fishing vessels of the other directed fisheries, or fishery operators of set net fishery shall report to the fishery radio station concerned the number, the weight, the length, and location for each Pacific bluefin tuna caught. Captains of longline fishing vessels shall also report the serial number of each tag.
In case of catching any Pacific bluefin tuna less than 30 kilograms, such catch shall be discarded immediately, and the amount of discard, the location of such catch, and the weight and the length of each Pacific bluefin tuna discarded shall be reported.
Article 19
In the event that any tag on the Pacific bluefin tuna caught by longline fishing vessels detaches and cannot be re-attached, an unused replacement tag shall be attached immediately, and the serial number of the replacement tag and detached tag shall be reported to the fishery radio station.
Article 20
Before the Pacific bluefin tuna tags are exhausted during operation at sea, any longline fishing vessel shall apply for the tags from the central competent authority and the Pacific bluefin tuna may only be tagged at the time of landing in port after the approval from the central competent authority is obtained.
Article 21
For any Pacific bluefin tuna subsequently caught after the deadline as proclaimed by the central competent authority in accordance with Article 4, such catch shall be immediately discarded, and the amount of discard, the location of such catch, and the weight and the length of each Pacific bluefin tuna discarded shall be reported to the fishery radio station concerned in accordance with Article 18.
Article 22
Upon the receipt of the report by any captain or fishery operator, the fishery radio station shall check the registration of the vessel or the location of set net deployment, and fill in the Pacific bluefin tuna catch reporting form (format as shown in Appendix 3 and Appendix 4) on behalf of the captain or fishery operator.
The fishery radio station shall compile and submit such forms to the central competent authority before Tuesday each week.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)