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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Public Health Specialists Act CH
Category: Ministry of Health and Welfare(衛生福利部)
Chapter 3 Association
Article 20
The public health specialists’ associations are governed by the competent authority of professional organizations. However, their respective activities shall be subject to the direction and supervision of the industry competent authorities.
Article 21
Public health specialists’ associations may have municipal or county (city) associations. A national public health specialists’ association may also be established.
The areas of public health specialists’ associations shall be based on existing regionalism. There shall be no more than one association of the same level in the same administrative area.
Municipal or county (city) public health specialists’ association shall be initiated and organized by at least 21 public health specialists in the area of jurisdiction. If there are less than 21 public health specialists, they may join the association of the neighboring area or form an association together with the neighboring area.
The establishment of the national public health specialists’ association may only be initiated and organized upon or after one-third (1/3) or more of the municipal or county (city) public health specialists’ associations have completed their organization.
Article 22
The mandatory provisions to be included in the constitution of a public health specialists’ association shall specify the followings:
1. Name, area and location of the association.
2. Objective, organization and mission.
3. Membership and withdrawal therefrom.
4. Member representatives generation and terms thereof.
5. Number, authority, term, election and dismissal of directors and supervisors.
6. Rules for general meetings of members or general meetings of member representatives, meetings of the board of directors and meetings of the board of supervisors.
7. Members’ rights and obligations.
8. Professional ethics rules required of members.
9. Membership fee, budget and accounting.
10. Amendment to the constitution of association.
11. Other matters required for handling the affairs of the association.
Article 23
Public health specialists’ associations shall have directors and supervisors, to be elected by members (member representatives) in general meetings of members (member representatives), who shall form the board of directors and the board of supervisors respectively subject to the following quota:
1. No more than twenty-one (21) directors for county (city) public health specialists’ associations.
2. No more than twenty-seven (27) directors for municipal public health specialists’ associations.
3. No more than thirty-five (35) directors for national public health specialists’ association.
4. The number of directors of a public health specialists’ association of any level shall not exceed half (1/2) of the total number of members (member representatives).
5. The number of supervisors of a public health specialists’ association of any level shall not exceed one-third (1/3) of the number of directors of such public health specialists’ association.
Public health specialists’ associations may have alternate directors and alternate supervisors, the number of which shall not exceed one-third (1/3) of the number of directors and supervisors of each public health specialists’ association.
When there are three (3) or more directors or supervisors, standing directors and standing supervisors may be elected from among the directors and supervisors. The number of standing directors or standing supervisors shall not exceed one-third (1/3) of the total number of directors or supervisors. When there are three (3) or more standing supervisors, one of them shall be elected as the chairperson of the board of supervisors.
Each public health specialists’ association shall have one chairperson of the board of directors. Unless otherwise provided in the constitution of association, such chairperson shall be elected in accordance with the following:
1. Elected by the directors from among the standing directors. If there are no standing directors, the directors shall elect the chairperson from among themselves.
2. Elected by members (member representatives). If the elected person is not an existing director or standing director, he/she shall become a director and standing director.
Article 24
The term of directors and supervisors shall be a period for three (3 )years. The same person may be re-elected upon expiry of the term, provided that no more than half (1/2) of all existing directors or supervisors shall be re-elected. The chairperson of the board of directors may be re-elected once.
The directors and supervisors elected for the public health specialists’ association of a higher level do not need to be member representatives appointed by public health specialists’ associations of the lower level.
The member representatives appointed by public health specialists’ associations of lower level to participate in public health specialists’ associations of higher level do not need to be directors or supervisors of the public health specialists’ associations of lower level.
Article 25
Public health specialists’ associations shall hold one general meeting of members (member representatives) once every year. Special meetings may be held as required.
When an association has more than 300 members, different areas may be separated based on the distribution of the members in accordance with the constitution of association for representatives to be elected in proportion to the number of members to hold general meetings of member representatives and to exercise the duties of the general meetings of members.
Article 26
Public health specialists’ associations shall formulate the constitution of associations, prepare member registers and curriculum vitaes of elected officers and submit them to the competent authority for local professional organizations for registrations, with copies submitted to the central and municipal or county (city) competent authorities for records.
Article 27
If any public health specialists’ association breaches the law or the constitution of association, the competent authority for professional organizations may impose the following sanctions:
1. Warning.
2. Revocation of resolutions.
3. Dismissal of directors and supervisors.
4. Impose a deadline for remedy.
The sanctions under subparagraphs 1 and 2 of the previous paragraph may also be imposed by the competent authority.
Article 28
If any member of a public health specialists’ association breaches the law or the constitution of association, the association may impose reprimand, warning or suspension of rights in accordance with the resolutions of the board of directors, board of supervisors or general meeting of members (member representatives).
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)