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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Medical Technologists Act CH
Category: Ministry of Health and Welfare(衛生福利部)
Chapter 3 Medical Examination Clinics
Article 19
In establishing a medical examination clinic, a medical technologist or medical technician shall apply to the local municipal or county (city) competent authority for its approval of the registration of the clinic, after which an opening permit shall be issued before the clinic established.
The medical technologist of the preceding paragraph who applies to open a medical examination clinic shall have at least 2 years of experience in practicing medical examination in medical care institutions or medical examination clinic; the medical technician shall have at least 5 years of experience in practicing medical examination in medical care institutions or medical examination clinic.
The calculation of seniority for carrying out the practice of the preceding paragraph is limited to any person who has obtained a medical technologist certificate or medical technician certificate and handled the registration of practicing medical examination in municipal or county (city) competent authority in accordance with the law. As for any person who has carried out the practices prior to the coming into force of this Act, however, the actual years of experience can be included.
The establishment standards of a medical examination clinic shall be determined by the central competent authority.
Article 20
The applicant who applies for the establishment of a medical examination clinic shall be the principal medical technologist or medical technician of the clinic; he/she shall bear supervisory responsibility over the clinic’s business.
Article 20-1
When a medical technologist or medical technician in charge of a medical examination clinic fails to carry out his/her responsibility for a reason, he/she shall designate a qualified acting principal medical technologist or medical technician. If the acting duration exceeds one month, a report shall be made to the original license-issuing authority for reference.
The acting duration mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall not exceed one year at maximum.
Article 21
Approval shall be obtained from the competent authority prior to the use or change of the name of a medical examination clinic.
A non-medical examination clinic shall not use the name “medical examination clinic” or similar names.
Article 21-1
A medical examination clinic shall not use the following name:
1. The name of another registered medical examination clinic in the same municipality or county (or city).
2. A name same as or similar to the name of a medical examination clinic with establishment license annulled less than one year or a clinic subject to the penalty of practice suspension within the same municipality or county (or city).
3. A name that may easily mislead people into thinking the clinic is related to a government agency or charitable organization, or a name that may harm public order or good social customs.
Article 22
Suspension or termination of a medical examination clinic or alteration of the registration items shall be reported to the original license-issuing authority for reference within 30 days from the occurrence.
Provisions concerning the establishment of medical examination clinics are applicable to the moving or reinstatement of a clinic.
Article 23
A medical examination clinic shall display its establishment license, fee standards and certificates of its medical technologist or medical technician at a visible place in the clinic.
Article 24
A medical examination clinic shall be kept clean and tidy, orderly and peaceful, and shall not impede public health and safety.
Article 25
Medical examination clinics shall establish medical examination quality control systems.
The quality control systems under the preceding paragraph shall be subject to supervision and evaluation by the competent authorities.
Article 26
Medical examination clinics shall keep the records of examination results, examination slips issued by physicians, duplicate copies of examination reports and medical examination quality control records for at least three years.
Article 27
Standards of examination fees charged by medical examination clinics shall be established by the municipal or county (city) competent authorities.
Article 28
For the examination fees charged by a medical examination clinic, details of the fees and receipts shall be produced.
Medical examination clinics shall not violate the fee standards and overcharge.
Article 29
The content of a medical examination clinic’s advertisement is limited to the following items:
1.Name, reference number of opening permit, address and telephone number of a medical examination clinic and directions to the clinic.
2.Names of medical technologists or medical technicians and the reference numbers of their certificates.
3.Other items whose publication and dissemination are approved under the announcement of the central competent authority.
A non-medical examination clinic shall not produce advertisements on medical examination.
Article 30
Medical examination clinics shall not fetch in business inappropriately.
Article 31
A medical examination clinic shall submit reports in accordance with the laws and regulations or the notification of the competent authority, and shall accept the competent authority’s inspections on its staff, facilities, sanitation, safety, fees, operation procedures and the related information.
Article 32
Medical technologists, medical technicians or staff at medical examination clinics shall not disclose the personal confidential information of others that comes to their knowledge or they hold because of performing their job.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)