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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Emergency Medical Services Act CH
Category: Ministry of Health and Welfare(衛生福利部)
Chapter Three Rescue Transportation Means
Article 15
Ambulances include general ambulance and intensive care ambulance; rules governing their specification standards, applications, and other relevant matters shall be decided by the central competent health authority.
Article 16
Ambulances shall only be deployed through application submitted to the local municipality or county (city) competent health authorities for registration and license as well as application submitted to the local motor vehicle office for special vehicle license plate for ambulance; for changes of registration and license, the aforementioned rules shall also apply.
Ambulance shall only be deployed by the following agencies (institutions):
1.Fire-fighting agencies;
2.Health agencies;
3.Military agencies;
4.Medical care institutions;
5.Nursing institutions;
6.Ambulance operation institutions;
7.Institutions or public interest organizations in need of deploying ambulance as decided by the municipality or county (city) competent health authority.
Medical or nursing institutions delegating the aforementioned ambulance deployed agencies (institutions) as prescribed in the preceding Paragraph for transportation of patients shall bear liability severely and jointly with the consignee.
For Subparagraph 3 to Subparagraph 7 of Paragraph 2 concerning the agencies (institutions) deployed with ambulance, the conditions and procedures of ambulance deployment license, management of cross-municipality or cross-county (city) operations, duration of license and conditions of license extension, license revocation, establishment of ambulance operation institution, and other matters to complied with shall be decided by the central competent health authority. For the deployment and management of military ambulance in military agencies, regulations of the Ministry of National Defense shall apply.
Article 17
Ambulances shall be equipped with sirens, in-vehicle and external CCTV cameras and red flashlight, coated with white paint on the vehicle shell, painted with red crosses on both sides and the name of the agency (institution), and marked with license numbers at the rear. There shall be no other marks unless otherwise approved by the local municipality or county (city) competent health authority.
Outside of emergency situations, the abovementioned ambulance sirens and red flashlights shall not be turned on.
Article 18
Two and more on-duty rescue personnel shall be in presence when providing medical care and transportation for patients in an ambulance; of rescue personnel on intensive care ambulance, there shall be at least one physician, nursing personnel, or emergency medical technician above intermediate level.
Article 19
Ambulance shall be disinfected regularly and kept clean.
Ambulances when transporting patients of communicable diseases or suspected communicable diseases, or patients contaminated with chemical or radioactive substances shall accordingly be subject to necessary disinfection and decontamination processes after the transportation.
Hospitals admitting patients of communicable diseases or suspected communicable diseases as prescribed in the preceding Paragraph shall notify the agency (institution) providing ambulance services to carry out necessary measures upon reporting to the competent authority pursuant to the Communicable Disease Control Act and confirmation of certain communicable diseases; the scope of certain communicable diseases shall be announced by the central competent health authority considering epidemic control, safety of personnel providing protection and medical services, and safety of third party persons.
Article 20
Fees of ambulance services shall be collected according to the standards of fees set forth by the local municipality or county (city) authorities.
Article 21
The municipality and county (city) authorities shall perform annual regular inspection on the personnel allocation, facilities, and medical services of ambulance under each own jurisdiction; when necessary, the aforementioned inspection may be performed on an irregular basis.
Ambulance deploy agencies (institutions) shall not evade, obstruct, or refuse the inspection as set forth in the preceding Paragraph.
Article 22
The scope of medical services, necessary equipment, inspection and examination, application and dispatch procedures of medical services, stopping/landing spots and shuttle methods, qualifications and training of rescue personnel, number of on-duty personnel, making, preservation and inspection of roster records, and other matters to be complied with for emergency medical helicopters, emergency medical airplanes, emergency vessels and other emergency medical transportation vehicles besides ambulances shall be decided by the central competent health authority in collaboration with other agencies concerned.
Article 23
The central competent health authority may plan and set forth aprons for emergency medical helicopter in collaboration with other agencies concerned for the needs of emergency medical services in offshore islands and remote areas.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)