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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Regulations Governing Travel Agencies CH
Category: Ministry of Transportation and Communications(交通部)
Chapter III Operation
Article 20
Before commencing business, a travel agency shall submit notification of the date of business commencement and a list of employees to the Tourism Bureau.
The list of employees mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be consistent with the payroll list of the travel agency. In the event of any change in employed staff, the travel agency shall file the change in accordance with the regulations of the Tourism Bureau within ten days.
After commencing business, a travel agency shall, prior to June 30th every year, fill out a report on its financial and operational status in the form specified by the Tourism Bureau.
Article 21
A travel agency that intends to suspend operations for more than one month shall submit an application, with reasons for suspension stated, along with the minutes of theshareholders’meeting or written agreement of the shareholders to the Tourism Bureau for filing within fifteen days following the suspension, and shall return all its registration and license.
An application as indicated in the preceding paragraph may not be made for a suspension of operations in excess of one year. A travel agency may however apply, with reasonable justifications, for an extension of suspension for up to one year. The application for extension should be filed within the final fifteen days of the original period of suspension.
After the suspension period expires, the travel agency should apply for business resumption with the Tourism Bureau within fifteen days and reclaim its registration and license.
Having applied for business suspension in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of this Article, a travel agency may not engage in any business during the suspension period unless it has applied for business resumption with the Tourism Bureau.
If a travel agency suspends operations for more than one month, it shall, within 15 days of passage of a stockholder resolution/agreement approving this suspension, submit for approval the following documents to the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. These documents apply for the voiding of its tourism license and the identification cards for dedicated delivery personnel. In the event that the agency fails to do so within the prescribed time frame, the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications may unilaterally void its tourism license and the identification cards for its dedicated delivery personnel.
1.)Completed application form
2.)Minutes of the stockholders meeting that includes passage of the relevant resolution or agreement
3.)A copy of the company’s articles of association
4.)The original tourism license and identification cards for dedicated delivery personnel
In the above situation, after the change has been finalized the agency’s business representative may apply to the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for a return of agency’s security deposit.
Article 22
A travel agency shall set reasonable tariffs for its business. A travel agency may not engage in unfair competitive behavior by illicit means.
Airfares, prices for food and accommodation, and prices for means of transportation in the tour market shall be announced every three months by the Travel Quality Assurance Association R.O.C. for the reference of consumers.
Article 23
A consolidated travel agency or Class-A travel agency receiving or guiding tourists from overseas, or from Hong Kong, Macau or mainland China, shall assign or hire licensed English-language, Japanese-language, other foreign-language or Chinese- language tour guides to act as tour guides. However, this is not applicable for travel agencies that solicit the business of domestic tours from foreigners with legal residence permits, people of the Mainland Area, and residents of Hong Kong and Macao.
A consolidated travel agency or Class-A travel agency receiving or guiding non- Chinese-speaking foreign tourists as referred to in the preceding paragraph may not assign or hire a Chinese-language tour guide licensed only to receive Mainland Chinese tourists to act as tour guide. However, when receiving or guiding non- Chinese-speaking, less commonly used-language foreign tourists, the travel agencies may assign or hire a Chinese-language tour guide with a rarely used-language translator accompanying the tour.
Depending on the situation of the tourism market and tour guide personnel, the Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications will make announcements regarding the foreign less commonly used-language types and the duration for the regulations mentioned previously.
A consolidated travel agency or Class-A travel agency shall strengthen the supervision and management of the tour guides it assigns or hires, and shall not allow them to engage in tour guiding business for a non-travel-service operator. When a full-time tour guide for whom the aforesaid travel agency has obtained a tour guide license leaves the said travel agency’s employment, the travel agency shall within fifteen days thereof return the tour guide license to the Tourism Bureau or its appointed organization; if it fails to do so, the Tourism Bureau shall publicly announce the revocation of the license.
Article 23-1
A travel agency shall sign contracts with tour guides or tour managers that it assigns or hires to conduct the receiving or guiding of tourists.A contract shall not violate the provisions announced as prohibited by the Tourism Bureau.
Remuneration that a travel agency pays to tour guides or tour managers may not be replaced by tips, shopping commissions, or the like in any other name.
Article 24
A travel agency, when arranging a tour for a group or individual, shall sign a written contract with the travelers or traveler either in person or by establishing an electronic document in accordance with the Electronic Signatures Act, and shall attach its corporate name and serial number of corporate registration on its printed promotional documents.
A contract for group tour services shall specify the following particulars, and shall be implemented only after it has been reported to and approved by the Tourism Bureau.
1.) Corporate name, corporate address, name of representative, and serial number of corporate registration.
2.) Date and place of execution of the contract.
3.) Tour destinations, itinerary, and the tours starting and ending dates and places.
4.) Detailed descriptions of transportation, hotels, meals, excursions, and other services included in the planned itinerary.
5.) Minimum number of travelers required for a group tour.
6.) Total amount as well as terms and conditions of payment of tour expenses.
7.) Reasons and conditions under which the travelers may cancel the contract.
8.) Liability and compensation for damages caused to travelers due to tour accidents or breaches of contract by the travel agency.
9.) Rights of travelers under liability insurance and performance insurance.
10.) Other agreed items.
The stipulations of the preceding paragraph, except for those on meals and accommodation under sub-paragraph 4 and those under sub-paragraph 5, shall apply mutatis mutandis to a contract regarding tours for individuals.
A travel agency that has publicized the standardized contract promulgated by the Tourism Bureau and has it printed on the receipt of payment given to travelers, unless otherwise agreed upon, shall be deemed as having concluded the contract with the travelers in accordance with sub-paragraph 1.
Article 25
Contents of the standardized travel services contract shall be separately formulated by the Tourism Bureau.
A travel agency that has prepared a travel services contract in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall be deemed as having reported to and been approved by the Tourism Bureau in accordance with paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of the preceding article.
When operating travel businesses, a travel agency shall prepare delivery documents for the travelers and receipts for payment to be kept by both parties, and shall arrange the safekeeping of the aforesaid documents and receipts, along with the travel services contract for one year.
Article 26
When arranging domestic or overseas package group tours, a consolidated travel agencies enterprise shall prepare tour plans in advance, specifying tour destinations, itinerary, means of transportation, accommodation, food, sightseeing, and other services to be provided to the travelers as well as details on the purchase of liability insurance; and expenses to be paid by the travelers. The enterprise also shall announce promotional documents before it starts soliciting travelers for the tour group or commissioning this business to Class-A travel agencies or Class-B travel agencies in accordance with sub-paragraph 5 and sub-paragraph 6 of Paragraph 2 of Article 3.
The above regulation about announcing promotional documents applies to Class-A travel agencies for domestic or overseas package group tours and Class-B travel agencies for domestic package tours.
Article 27
A Class-A travel agency that acts on behalf of a consolidated travel agency to solicit business as indicated in sub-paragraph 5 of Paragraph 2 of Article 3, or a Class-B travel enterprise that acts on behalf of a consolidated travel agency to solicit business as indicated sub-paragraph 6 of Paragraph 2 of Article 3, shall be commissioned by the consolidated travel agency concerned and shall conclude the travel services contract with the travelers in the name of that consolidated travel agency.
The travel services contract mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be co-signed by the travel agency selling the travel services.
Article 28
A travel agency, when providing tour group services initiated by itself, may not transfer such business to another travel agency without written agreement from the travelers.
The transferee agency, when undertaking transferred business as indicated in the preceding paragraph, shall conclude a new travel services contract with the travelers. A Class-A travel agency or Class-B travel agency, when operating group tour business initiated by itself, may not place its promotional documents at another travel agency or commission the sales and solicitation of its businesses to another travel agency.
Article 29
A travel agency, when operating domestic tours, shall assign designated service personnel to accompany tour groups.
Article 30
When posting advertisements in newspapers and magazines, on the Internet and through other media for each tour organized, travel agencies are required to specify the name and itinerary of the tour, the departure location and date, the number of days and expenses of the travel, the amounts covered by the liability insurance and contract fulfillment guarantee insurance taken, the name, type of travel agency, as well as business registration number and telephone number of the company. However, consolidated travel agencies may use their registered trademarks to replace company names.
The contents of the aforesaid advertisements shall be consistent with the information indicated in the travel document and may not include any exaggerated, false or misleading representation or symbol.
Where the items of information to be indicated in advertisements as described in Paragraph 1 cannot be completely presented, travel agencies shall provide such information on their websites and service web pages or through other appropriate channels for consumers to access.
Article 31
Travel agencies intending to use their trademarks to attract customers shall apply for trademark registration according to law and present the approved trademark to the Tourism Bureau for reference. Nonetheless, such companies shall still sign tour contracts using their company names.
Only one trademark may be presented for reference by each travel agency as specified in the preceding paragraph
Article 32
A travel agency that intends to operate its businesses on the Internet shall specify the following particulars on the homepage of its website and shall report the following to the Tourism Bureau:
1.) Name and address of the website.
2.) Corporate name, class of travel agency, address, registration number, and name of representative.
3.) Telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, and contact person.
4.) Items of business.
5.) Confirmation procedures for membership subscription.
A travel agency that goes through other internet platforms to sell its products and services must also specify these particulars in accordance with paragraph 1.
Article 33
A travel agency that accepts online purchases from travelers over the Internet shall publicize pertinent travel services contracts on its website, and shall inform tourists in a honest manner of any restrictions on products and services as well as other matters concerning purchase confirmation procedures, contract termination or cancellation, and refunds.
Upon receiving payment from travelers, a travel agency shall deliver a receipt for payment to the travelers.
Article 34
A travel agency and its employees when operating or implementing travel business must handle and use the collection of travelers personal information in a way that respect their individual rights .The information should be handled in a bona fide way.Collection of personal information should not exceed the scope of the travel business and should be reasonable and fair.
Article 35
A travel agency may not establish a branch institution in a name other than that of a branch company, nor may it allow other parties or non-travel-service operators to operate travel businesses under its name.
Article 36
A consolidated travel agency or Class-A travel agency operating the business of sending tour groups overseas shall, prior to a tour group’s departure, either provide each participating tourist with written information concerning travel safety and explanation of other circumstances as necessary, or organize a pre-departure orientation meeting. When a tour group is formed, the agency shall assign a tour manager to accompany and serve it throughout the tour.
A consolidated travel agency or Class-A travel agency operating the business of sending tour groups overseas as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall assign foreign-language tour managers to lead such groups, and shall not assign or hire Chinese-language tour managers to lead such groups.
A consolidated travel agency or Class-A travel agency shall strengthen the supervision and management of the tour managers it assigns or hires, and shall not allow them to engage in tour managing business for a non-travel-service operator. When a full- time tour manager for whom the aforesaid travel agency has obtained a tour manager license leaves the said travel agency’s employment, the travel agency shall within fifteen days thereof return the tour manager license to the Tourism Bureau or its appointed organization; if it fails to do so, the Tourism Bureau shall publicly announce the revocation of the license.
Article 37
A travel agency and its assigned service personnel accompanying a tour group shall comply with the following provisions when operating a tour business:
1.) They may not speak or behave in a manner detrimental to the national interest.
2.) They may not leave the group without authorization or arbitrarily disband the group during the tour.
3.) They shall utilize only those amusement and accommodation facilities established by a lawful operator in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
4.) They shall ensure the safety of tourists during the tour.
5.) Except in the instance of force majeure, they may not change the itinerary without prior request from the tourists.
6.) They may not keep passports and identification documents of the tourists for whatever reason without prior request from the tourists, except when handling necessary matters for tourists on a temporary basis.
7.) They shall arrange the safekeeping, and prevent any losses, of traveler passports and identification documents under their keeping.
8.) Legal means of transportation provided by legal operators and qualified drivers should be used; those who charter a tour bus should sign a rental contract, and the content of the contract must not violate the items that should be recorded or not recorded in the travel industry tour bus rental contract announced by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.
9.) While using the tour bus as transportation, the escape and safety guide shall be explained and demonstrated before the journey begins each day in accordance with the checklist prescribed by the Directorate General of Highways, MOTC and the regulations regarding the work hours of rental tour bus drivers and vehicle use set forth in the Regulations for Bus Transportation Operators.
10.) They shall carry only members of the tour group on the bus, and shall not take on board any other passengers during the journey.
11.) The travel itinerary should be properly arranged and the content of the itinerary should be disclosed.
Article 38
A consolidated travel agencies or Class-A travel agency, when operating an overseas group tour for ROC nationals, shall prudently select a registered foreign travel agency that has been duly certified by the local government of the host country, and shall secure a letter of commitment or guarantee documents from the foreign travel agency before commissioning reception or tour guide services. In the event of a breach of contract by the foreign travel agency resulting in damages to the rights and interests of the tourists, the domestic travel agency shall be responsible for reparations.
Article 39
In the event of any emergency or accident involving a Taiwanese domestic or outbound tour group,or an inbound tour group from a foreign country,Hong Kong,Macau or mainland China,the responsible travel agency shall act promptly and appropriately to protect the rights and interests of the tourists, and shall provide all necessary assistance to the family members of injured tourists. It shall report to the Tourism Bureau within twenty-four hours following the occurrence of such emergency or accident, and report the development and state of handling of the emergency or accident.
An emergency or accident as referred to in the preceding paragraph means a natural disaster or any other kind of occurrence that causes the death, injury or detention of a tourist.
The report as referred to in the first paragraph should be made by filling out an emergency or accident report form, and submitting it along with a name list of the members of the tour group, the tour itinerary, the liability insurance policy, and other relevant materials. However, if the place where the accident occurs has no fax machine or internet facilities, thus preventing the report from being submitted immediately,the accident may first be reported by phone and an official report submitted later.
Article 40
In order to supervise and administer travel agencies, the Tourism Bureau may send authorized personnel, on a regular or irregular basis, to the business premises of a travel agency or the place where its business personnel operate to inspect its business operations.
When the Tourism Bureau performs such inspection as indicated in the preceding
paragraph, the travel agency or its business personnel shall provide reports and documents pertaining to its business operations, shall truthfully state its status of business operations, may not evade, obstruct, or reject the aforesaid inspection, and shall provide necessary assistance.
The documents as indicated in the preceding paragraph refer to traveler delivery documents, bills of payment, travel services contracts under Paragraph 3 of Article 25, and various record books and accounts, and certificates issued by the administrative authority for the tourism industry, and other related documents. A travel agency shall fill out documents according to fact and maintain complete records.
Article 41
When handling inbound or outbound procedures and visa application on behalf of clients, a consolidated travel agencies or Class-A travel agency shall meticulously check the authenticity of the application forms, related documents and photos of the applicant concerned, shall fill out documents according to fact, and may not allow a person other than the applicant to sign those documents that need to be signed by the applicant in person.
Article 42
When handling inbound or outbound procedures and visa applications on behalf of clients, a consolidated or Class-A travel agency and its employees may not forge or alter related documents for the applicant.
Article 43
When handling inbound or outbound procedures on behalf of the traveler, a consolidated or Class-A travel agency shall apply to the Tourism Bureau, or another travel industry related entity mandated by the Tourism Bureau, for the issuance of an identification pass for designated document delivery personnel, shall assign designated personnel for such delivery, and shall closely supervise such personnel.The number of identity cards applied for will be announced by the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.
A consolidated or Class-A travel agency shall arrange the safekeeping of its identification passes for designated document delivery personnel, shall not lend such passes to another travel agency or a non-travel services operator, and, in the event of damage to or loss or destruction of an identification pass, shall apply for its replacement or reissuance, submitting a written explanation of the reasons; In the event that an original identity card loses its validity, the travel agency shall within 10 days return the identity card to the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications or its entrusted travel agency. If it fails to do so, the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications shall cancel the card’s validity.
A fee of one hundred and fifty New Taiwan dollars shall be payable for each issuance, replacement or reissuance of a designated document deliverer identification pass.
When a consolidated or Class-A travel agency handles inbound or outbound procedures on behalf of travelers, and commissions the delivery of documents to another travel agency, the two travel agencies shall execute a written commission contract.
Matters concerning the mandate referred to in the first paragraph of this article, and the legal basis thereof, shall be publicly announced and published in government bulletins or newspapers.
Article 44
When handling inbound or outbound procedures and visa applications on behalf of clients, a consolidated travel agencies or Class-A travel agency shall arrange the safekeeping of certificates and documents of the clients. These documents shall be returned to the clients upon the completion of required procedures.
In the event of loss of the certificates and documents indicated in the preceding paragraph, the travel agency shall submit a report along with other related documents to the Tourism Bureau within twenty-four hours.
Article 45
A travel agency that has been required to forfeit its guarantee deposit by the court or an administrative enforcement agency shall submit funds to make up the required amount of the guarantee deposit and improve its business operations in accordance with item 1 to item 5 of sub-paragraph 2, Paragraph 1 of Article 12 within fifteen days from the date on which notification from the Tourism Bureau is received.
Article 46
Upon the dissolution of a travel agency, the travel agency shall, within fifteen days following the completion of registration procedures for corporate dissolution as required by law, remove its signboard and return its travel agency operating license and all identification passes obtained previously. Its corporate liquidator shall then apply for the return of guarantee deposit with the Tourism Bureau.
When a travel agency has its operating license revoked, its corporate liquidator shall comply with the preceding paragraph within fifteen days following confirmation of such punishment.
The provisions of Paragraph 1 of this article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the closure of a subsidiary of a travel agency by abolishing registration.
Article 47
Once a travel agency has its license revoked or repealed, or is dissolved or declared bankrupt, application for approval to use its company name shall be subject to the restrictions set forth in Article 26-2 of the Company Act.
The name of a new travel agency in the application filed for approval of establishment may not be the same as the name or trademark of any other travel agency in pronunciation. The name or trademark of such a new travel agency also may not be the same as or similar to any name recognized by the general public in order to prevent confusion with the name or trademark of another travel agency. The applicant shall acquire the permission of the Tourism Bureau before applying to the Ministry of Economic Affairs for a preliminary name search. Travel agencies intending to change their company names shall take the same procedure. However, use of a name similar to the name or trademark of another travel agency for the purpose of providing brand services may be approved provided that the other travel agency has given its consent in writing and none of the following situations has occurred to the other travel agency:
1.)The company has been sanctioned to suspend operation within the past two years.
2.)The company’s travel agency guarantee deposit has been placed under compulsory enforcement within the past two years.
3.)The company check rejection period has not yet expired.
4.) The Tourism Bureau has concluded the practice is likely to jeopardize the rights and interests of consumers.
Mainland Chinese travel agencies using names that are the same or similar to the names and trademarks of other travel agencies in mainland China before they apply for approval for use of such names in Taiwan as described in the preceding paragraph shall be rejected.
Article 48
Operating personnel of a travel agency shall receive professional training organized by the Tourism Bureau and the administrative authority for the tourism industry of a special municipality under the direct jurisdiction of the Executive Yuan, and shall comply with related rules for trainees.
When organizing aforesaid training, the administrative authority for the tourism industry may charge a registration fee, tuition fee, and certification fee.
The administrative authority for the tourism industry may commission the task of organizing professional training as indicated in Paragraph 1 to a related organization or group.
Article 49
A travel agency may not engage in any of the following behaviors:
1.) Handling inbound and outbound procedures or visa application on behalf of a tourist with prior knowledge of the untruthfulness of that tourist certificates or documents.
2.) Having discovered a violation of Article 27 of the Regulations Governing Tour Guides by a tour guide in its employment, and not denouncing such violation.
3.) Engaging in business with a foreign travel agency that has been disqualified by related government agencies.
4.) Allowing the representative office of a foreign travel agency to be established in its company without completing due reporting and approval procedures.
5.) Engaging in document delivery or collection for a non-travel services operator.
6.) Engaging in foreign exchange arbitrage or unauthorized foreign exchange in business operations.
7.) Commissioning travelers to carry goods for profit.
8.)Arranging tourist activities that violate laws and regulations of the R.O.C. or of the local government of the tourist destination.
9.) Arranging tourist activities without consent from the tourists.
10.) Arranging for travelers to purchase goods at prices that do not reflect their quality, or forcing them to go into or make purchases in a store.
11.) Attempting to sell an item to a tourist, or facilitating such a sale via a third party, without prior declaration of such a sales effort in the travel documents and without receiving the tourist’s prior consent.
12.) Taking payment from tourists for leaving the tour group during the tour, or demanding other extra undue charges.
13.) Taking a tour group overseas without having made appropriate arrangements for visas, airplane seats or accommodation as specified in the contract.
14.) Violating the principle of good faith in transaction.
15.) Collecting payment or capital from non-specific persons under false pretenses when no tour is organized.
16.) Failing to be present on the scheduled date for tour dispute settlement without justifiable reasons after having been duly notified by the Tourism Bureau.
17.) Failing to note the passenger’s name on the air ticket when selling air tickets.
18.)Failing to specify the departure date of itinerary in the order documents when selling the travel products.
19.) Failing to comply with administrative and supervisory rules set by the Tourism Bureau while operating travel businesses.
Article 50
Employees of a travel agency may not engage in any of the following behaviors:
1.) Transferring to another travel agency before completing the leave procedures.
2.) Lending identification passes for designated document delivery personnel to be used by others.
3.) Being simultaneously employed by another travel agency.
4.) Covering up for an unqualified tour manger to lead tourist groups on an overseas tour.
5.) Covering up for an unqualified tour guide to receive or guide tourists visiting the ROC from overseas or mainland China.
6.) Conducting advertisement of tourism products through the internet without permission.
7.) Engaging in behavior indicated in sub-paragraph 1, sub-paragraph 2, sub- paragraph 5 to sub-paragraph 11 of the preceding article.
Article 51
The actions of personnel assigned or hired by a travel agency within the business scope of the travel agency shall be deemed as the actions of the travel agency.
Article 52
A travel agency may not commission a person that is not an employee of a travel enterprise to conduct travel businesses. However, those designated service personnel accompanying a tourist group in accordance with Article 39 may be exempt from such restriction.
Travel agency businesses engaged in by a person that is not an employee of a travel agency shall be deemed illegal.
Article 53
When operating tours for groups or individuals, or receiving tourist groups or individuals from foreign countries or mainland China, a travel agency shall purchase liability insurance with the pertinent coverage and minimum insured value as specified below:
1.) A minimum of NT$2.5 million and a maximum of NT$5.0 million per person for the accidental death of a tourist or accompanying employee.
2.) A minimum ofr NT$100,000 and a maximum of NT$200,000 per person for medical expenses related to bodily injury incurred by a tourist or accompanying employee.
3.) Necessary transportation expenses incurred by family members of travelers or accompanying service personnel going overseas or coming to the ROC to handle accident-related problems:NT$100,000 per person; for handling matters related to domestic travel:NT$50,000 per person.
4.) Reparation for loss of travelers’ or accompanying persons’ identification documents:NT$2,000 per person.
When operating domestic or overseas tours, a travel agency shall purchase a performance bond insurance policy, with the pertinent coverage and minimum insured value as specified below:
1.) NT$60 million for consolidated travel agencies.
2.) NT$20 million for Class-A travel agencies.
3.) NT$8 million for Class-B travel agencies.
4.) Additional insurance of NT$4 million shall be required for each branch company of a consolidated travel agencies or Class-A travel agency, and additional insurance of NT$2 million shall be required for each branch company of a Class-B travel agency.
A travel agency that has obtained membership in a public interest association for tourism that is recognized by the central administrative authority as a competent agent for safeguarding the interests of tourists is not applied to the preceding paragraph and shall purchase a performance bond insurance policy with the minimum insured value as specified below:
1.) NT$40 million for consolidated travel agencies.
2. NT$5 million for Class-A travel agencies.
3.) NT$2 million for Class-B travel agencies.
4.) Additional insurance of NT$1 million shall be required for each branch company of a consolidated travel agencies or Class-A travel agency, and additional insurance of NT$500,000 shall be required for each branch company of a Class-B travel agency.
The scope of the performance bond insurance shall cover required payments to travelers, within the amount of the insured value incurred on a travel agency that has failed to deliver part or all of the tourist programs originally arranged due to financial problems resulting in the inability of the agency to fund part or all of the necessary expenses for travel affairs.
Article 53-1
In the event that a travel agency is found to have met any of the following conditions, the travel agency that has purchased a performance bond insurance policy in accordance with Paragraph 3 of the preceding article shall make up the required amount of purchasing a performance bond insurance policy as specified in sub- paragraph 1 to sub-paragraph 4 of Paragraph 2 of the same Article within 15 days after receiving notification from the Tourism Bureau:
1.) Having been imposed business suspension and within less than 2 years after the suspension expires.
2.) Having been disqualified as a member of a public-interest association for tourism recognized by the Tourism Bureau.
3.) Belonging to a public-interest association for tourism which has been dissolved or has been recognized by the central administrative authority as an incompetent agent for safeguarding the interests of tourists.
Article 53-2
After purchasing a performance bond insurance policy according to regulations, the travel agency shall provide the policy information in the format specified by the Tourism Bureau within 10 days.
Article 54
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