The validity period of the license of the ship radio station shall be five years.
For those who need to continue to use the radio station after the expiration of the license mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the shipowner shall apply for renewal within two months from three months prior to the license becoming invalid as follows:
1. For ships undertaking international voyages and in which the International Convention for the SOLAS applies, for an ocean fishing vessel, the shipowner shall submit the latest certification documents of the competent authority, entrusted authority or inspection agency, and report to the competent authority to renew the station license.
2. For ships sailing on international routes in which the International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea does not apply, the shipowner shall apply to the competent authority, entrusted authority or inspection agency for inspection; the competent authority shall renew the license after passing the inspection. If the inspection fails, the competent authority, entrusted authority or inspection agency shall notify the applicant to undertake corrective action within a prescribed period of time and apply for re-inspection; if the re-inspection still fails, the application shall be rejected.
3. For ships other than those mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs, the shipowner may file a self-inspection form for the renewal of the ship radio station(see Appendix 1)and submit it to the competent authority for approval of the station license renewal. However, when deemed necessary, the competent authority may conduct an inspection and renew the license after passing the inspection; if the inspection fails, the application shall be rejected.
4. Ships of the preceding paragraph that only install radio walkie-talkies or hand-held two-way UHF radio telephone stations with output power below ten watts may be exempt from inspection and renew the license, directly.
When a vessel is revoked by the navigation authority for its nationality certificate, boat license or yacht certificate, the competent authority shall, in accordance with the notice of the navigation authority, revoke its radio station license.
When the shipowner changes, an application for the renewal of the radio station license shall be submitted.
If the radio station license is lost or damaged, the shipowner shall apply for a reissuance; when the items written in the license have been amended, the shipowner shall apply for the remark on the license; the validity period shall be the same as the original license.
Applications for approval(renewal or reissue)of the radio station license or the amendments shall be submitted to the competent authority.