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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/12/05 03:47

Chapter Law Content

Chapter 3 Import, Export and Transportation
Article 15
For importing and exporting explosives, application form need to be prepared and apply for approval through Central Governing Agency, in which the type of explosives, quantities, import and export sea port and airport should be clearly listed.
Article 16
The transportation of explosive shall fill out application form for every shipment and apply for transportation certificate from Central Governing Agency. The certificate for transportation of explosive within explosive factory, mines or construction sites can be exempted.
Article 17
The transportation of explosives shall assign specific vehicle and personnel and follow approved transportation route and schedule. In addition, the following regulations shall also be followed.
1.When transport through municipal area, transportation certificate shall submit to local police department and apply for the lead or traffic control.
2.Transportation tools shall attach (hang) warning sign or flag.
3.Detonators shall not, in any circumstance, be transported with low explosive, explosives or raw materials for manufacturing explosive in the same vehicle.
4.The explosive packaging shall be sturdy, with internal padding for shock resistance.
5.When park or unload explosive shall make sure brake is secured. To park near gas station and flame source is highly restricted.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)