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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 11:42

Chapter Law Content

Chapter III Admission and Discharge
Article 22
Upon admission of students into a reform school for juveniles, the verdict and court order of the juvenile court should be carefully perused and identity of student should be properly verified.
Where a juvenile court orders the implementation of reformatory education, the pertinent information of the juvenile and his/her family and the incident background should be attached to the court order.
Article 23
A student information record containing the student’s fingerprints and photographs shall be prepared upon the admission of a student into a reform school.
Article 24
A health examination should be conducted upon the admission of a student into a reform school. Where a student shall manifest any of the following symptoms, a temporary student admission deferment order shall be issued; supporting reasons shall be stated in the order. Following an understanding of circumstances the juvenile court may rule the transfer of the juvenile to the custody of a hospital, the juvenile’s parents or guardian, or to a more suitable facility:
1. Loss of mental capacity;
2. Currently afflicted with a disease and enforcement of sentence might result in physical or mental disability or death;
3. Contraction of an acute communicable disease;
4. Pregnant for more than five month or longer on the way or recent child delivery less than two months.
Necessary steps should be taken upon the diagnosis of the condition in the foregoing Subparagraph 3.
Article 25
A physical inspection and inspection of student’s clothes and objects should be conducted upon the admission of a student into a reform school. For female students, inspection shall be conducted by a female discipline officer or investigator.
Article 26
Upon the admission of students into a reform school, students should be oriented with the school rules and regulations; moreover, students’ parents or guardians should be informed of the names of the respective department heads or officers and the visitation and communication regulations of the school.
Article 27
Where a student is due for release from the school, all pertaining release papers of the student should be processed and completed before noon of the day following the date prescribed in the official release approval document or expiration of the student’s term.
Article 28
Matters pertaining to the protection of students after their release should be investigated soon after their admission into the school; thereafter a review of the situation should be conducted prior to their release. The further education and career counseling of students after release should be planned in advance to enable proper resolution.
Prior to the official release of a student, the parents or guardian of the student or the related protective facility or organization should be notified of the date of the student’s release.
Article 29
Where enforcement of the reformatory education of a student is suspended and student is turned over to probation after release, due notification should be forwarded to the jurisdictional juvenile court complete with the classification, academic, skill training, and behavior & conduct records of the student.
Article 30
Where a student dies in a reform school, a report shall be submitted to the competent prosecutor and due notice shall be forwarded to the student’s parents, guardian, or next of kin to claim the student’s body. Where no parent or kin shall appear to claim the student’s body within twenty-four hours following due notice, the authorities shall arrange for the student’s burial.
A case report of the foregoing incident shall be compiled and submitted to the competent authorities.
Article 31
The parent, guardian, or other next of kin of a deceased student should be duly notified of any cash, property, and other prize money of the deceased student for claiming; where said properties shall remain unclaimed after a year has elapsed, properties shall be turned over to the national treasury.
Article 32
Where students have escaped from the school, matter should be reported to the competent prosecutor for arrest; moreover, a report shall be submitted to the information of the respective authorities concerned and the juvenile court.
Article 33
Where a student who has escaped from the school has left behind cash and property and the escaped student remains at large after a year or is found deceased, the parent, guardian, or other next of kin of the escaped or deceased student should be duly notified of such cash and property for claiming. Where notice could not be delivered, a public notice shall be posted; thereafter, if no claim has been made six months after the delivery of notice or posting of public notice, said cash and property shall be turned over to the national treasury.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)