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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Regulations Governing Postal Simple Life Insurance Operations CH
Category: Ministry of Transportation and Communications(交通部)
Chapter Three The Qualifications of the Persons Responsible
Article 25
The persons responsible for the simple life insurance operations of Chunghwa Post as mentioned in the regulations hereof include the following:
1. Board members and corporate supervisors of Chunghwa Post.
2. President of Chunghwa Post.
3. The chief auditor, the vice president and directors supervising simple life insurance and its financial matters (or equivalent level of position).
4. Directors of Chunghwa Post’s Simple Life Insurance, director of Department of Capital Operations and director of Department of Property Operations
5. Managers of post office branches of all levels at Chunghwa Post.
Article 26
The responsible person for simple life insurance business of Chunghwa Post must have good moral character and must not be in any of the following situations. A responsible person having taken office to whom any of the following descriptions applies shall be dismissed:
1. Legally incompetent persons or legally quasi-incompetent persons.
2. Persons who have been convicted of breaking the Organized Crime Prevention Act.
3. Persons convicted of counterfeiting currency, counterfeiting valuable securities, embezzlement, fraud or breach of trust and sentenced to imprisonment who are either execution of the sentence has not started serving, still in prison or were released from prison, on probation or pardoned within the last 10 years.
4. Persons found guilty of forgery, invasion of privacy, usury, preventing people from collecting debts owed them, or breaking provisions in the Tax Act, Commercial Label Act, the Copyright Act or other acts or regulations governing industry and commerce and sentenced to imprisonment who are either execution of the sentence has not started serving, still in prison or who were released from prison, on probation or pardoned within the last 5 years.
5. Persons convicted of corruption and sentenced to imprisonment who are either execution of the sentence has not started serving, still in prison or who were released from prison, on probation or pardoned within the last 5 years.
6. Persons convicted of breaking provisions of this Act, Insurance Act, Banking Act, Financial Holding Company Act, Trust Enterprise Act, the Act Governing Bills Finance Business, Financial Asset Securitization Act, Real Estate Securitization Act, Securities Transaction Act, Futures Trading Act, Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act, Foreign Exchange Management Act, Credit Cooperative Act, the Agricultural Finance Act, the Farmers Association Act, the Fishermen’s Association Act, Money Laundering Control Act, Postal Act or other financial regulations who were sentenced to imprisonment and are either execution of the sentence has not started serving, still in prison or were released from prison, on probation or pardoned within the last 5 years.
7. Persons who have declared bankruptcy and have not yet restored the rights they lost.
8. Persons who have served as the person-in-charge of a juridical person (corporation) at the time it declared bankruptcy if the bankruptcy was finalized within the last 5 years or the juridical person did not fulfill the promises made during bankruptcy negotiations.
9. Persons who have been denied services at a bank for bouncing checks or misusing other negotiable instruments, or persons for whom said services were restored but are on record for bouncing checks due to insufficient funds within three years after the restoration of said services.
10. Persons who have suffered or are responsible for a major loss of credit standing, whether resolved or not, within the last 5 years.
11. In violation of this Act, Insurance Act, Banking Act, Financial Holding Company Act, Trust Enterprise Act, the Act Governing Bills Finance Business, Financial Asset Securitization Act, Real Estate Securitization Act, Securities Transaction Act, Futures Trading Act, Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act, Foreign Exchange Management Act, Credit Cooperative Act, the Agricultural Finance Act, the Farmers Association Act, the Fishermen’s Association Act, Postal Remittances and Savings Act or other financial regulations and have been ordered to be replaced or dismissed by the FSC within the last 5 years.
12. Persons who have been forced labor on account of larceny or stolen property who are still serving their sentences or who have been released within the last 5 years.
13. Persons who serve as the person-in-charge of other insurance companies, financial holding companies, banks, trust and investment companies, credit cooperatives, the credit departments of farmers’ associations or fishermen’ s associations, bills finance corporations, brokerages, securities and finance firms, securities investment trust companies, investment consulting companies or futures brokerages. However, if Chunghua Post has an investment stake in these companies, a Chunghua Post chairperson or senior executive may not serve in the same capacity but may, with the approval of the MOTC and the FSC, serve as a board member or corporate supervisor of a bank or the person-in-charge of other institutions.
14. Persons that evidence shows have engaged in or been involved in other dishonest or improper activities and are demonstrating unsuitability to serve as a responsible person of simple life insurance business.
Article 27
Chunghwa Post’s chief auditor, vice president and directors supervising the simple life insurance business and its financial matters (or equivalent level of position), as well as the director of the Life Insurance department, the director of the Capital Operations department, Director of Department of Property Operations department and the managers of the special supervisory post offices, must have good moral character and possess one of the following qualifications:
1. A degree from a domestic or overseas junior college or higher-level educational institution, or an equivalency diploma of that level, or a passing mark on the senior-level civil service exam or equivalent exam; 12 years experience working in postal administration with a good job record; completion of coursework in insurance and auditing, with a combined total of at least 40 hours of classroom time, for which certificates from a professional training facility recognized by the MOTC and FSC are obtained.
2. A degree from a domestic or overseas junior college or higher-level educational institution, or an equivalency diploma of that level; 5 years experience working in insurance companies and 3 years experience working at the level of assistant manager or above or a similar position in the headquarters of an insurance company with a good job record.
Article 28
Managers of first-grade and second-grade supervisory regional post offices of Chunghwa Post must have good moral character and possess one of the following qualifications:
1. A degree from a domestic or overseas junior college or higher-level educational institution, or an equivalency diploma of that level, or a passing mark on the senior-level civil service exam or equivalent exam; 8 years of experience working in postal administration with a good job record; completion of coursework in insurance and auditing, with a combined total of at least 30 hours of classroom time and graduation certificates from a professional training facility recognized by the MOTC and FSC.
2. A degree from a domestic or overseas junior college or higher-level educational institution, or an equivalency diploma of that level; 3 years experience working in insurance companies and 2 years experience working as an junior manager or above or having a similar position in the headquarters of an insurance company with a good job record.
Article 29
Chunghwa Post shall submit a report for reference to the MOTC and FSC of the persons filling post of chief auditor within 10 days from the date on which the post is filled. If a person filling a post is not qualified as mandated in the regulations hereof, that person shall be dismissed.
Article 30
The board members of Chunghwa Post (including a chairperson) shall have good morals and shall meet one of the following four sets of qualifications:
1. A degree from a domestic or overseas junior college or higher-level educational institution, or an equivalency diploma of that level ,or a passing mark on the senior-level civil service exam or equivalent exam; 12 years experience working in postal administration with a good job record; completion of coursework in insurance and auditing, with a combined total of at least 40 hours of classroom time and graduation certificates from a professional training facility recognized by the MOTC and FSC.
2. A degree from a domestic or overseas junior college or higher-level educational institution, or an equivalency diploma of that level; 10 years experience working in insurance companies and 3 years experience working as a manager or above or a similar position in the headquarters of an insurance company with a good job record.
3. A degree from a domestic or overseas junior college or higher level educational institution, or an equivalency diploma at that level; 5 years experience working in postal administration or insurance administration with a good job record; having held an intermediate level position of grade 8 or above, or a position of similar rank with a good job record.
4. Other experiences or facts that sufficiently indicate leadership quality, professional knowledge or operational experiences in the simple life insurance business which indicate that the person is able to run the simple life insurance business of Chunghwa Post efficiently (as approved by the FSC beforehand).
Article 31
If the FSC has doubts about the qualifications of a person-in-charge of the simple life insurance business at Chunghwa Post, the MOF may notify Chunghwa Post to submit necessary documentation or information or to send someone to explain within a certain timeframe.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)