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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Income Tax Act CH
Category: Ministry of Finance(財政部)
Chapter 1 General Principles
Section 2 Definitions
Article 7
The term "person" as used in this Act refers to a natural person or juristic person. The term "individual" used in this Act means a natural person.
The term "individual residing in the Republic of China" refers to one of the following:
1. A person who has domicile within the territory of the Republic of China and resides at all times within the territory of the Republic of China;
2. A person who has no domicile within the territory of the Republic of China but resides within the territory of the Republic of China for a period of more than 183 days during a taxable year.
The term "individual not residing in the Republic of China" denotes an individual other than those as provided in the preceding paragraph. The term "taxpayer" as used in this Act means a person who is required under this Act to report or pay income tax.
The term "tax withholder" as used in this Act means a person who is required under this Act to withhold income tax from his payment to be made to a taxpayer.
Article 8
The term "income from sources in the Republic of China" used in this Act refers to income of the following categories:
1. Dividends distributed by companies incorporated and registered in accordance with the Company Act of the Republic of China and by foreign companies authorized by the government of the Republic of China to operate within the territory of the Republic of China;
2. Profits distributed by profit-seeking enterprises organized in the form of a cooperative or a partnership within the territory of the Republic of China;
3. Remuneration for services rendered within the territory of the Republic of China, provided that this shall not apply to remuneration obtained from an employer without the territory of the Republic of China by an individual not residing in the Republic of China but staying in the Republic of China for a period of not more than ninety days during a taxable year;
4. Interest obtained from governments of various levels of the Republic of China, from juristic persons within the territory of the Republic of China and from individuals residing in the Republic of China;
5. Rental obtained from lease of property situated within the territory of the Republic of China;
6. Royalty obtained from patents, trademarks, copyrights, secret formulas and franchises by virtue of their being made available for use by other persons within the territory of the Republic of China;
7. Profits from the transaction of properties within the territory of the Republic of China;
8. Remuneration for services performed by personnel sent abroad by the government of the Republic of China on overseas missions and for services rendered abroad by employees in general;
9. Profits from operation of industry, commerce, agriculture, forestry, fishery, animal husbandry, mining, and metallurgy enterprises within the territory of the Republic of China;
10. Awards or grants obtained from participating in various skill contests, games, or lotteries, etc. within the territory of the Republic of China; and
11. Any other income obtained within the territory of the Republic of China.
Article 9
The terms "income from the transaction of property" and "losses from the transaction of property" as used in this Act refer to profits and losses resulting from sale, purchase, or exchange of property by a taxpayer, who comes to possess the property other than engaging in regular sales and purchases of such properties for profit-seeking purposes.
Article 10
The term "fixed place of business" as used in this Act refers to fixed places for operation of business, including administrative offices, branch or sub-branch offices, business offices, factories, workshops, warehouses, mining fields, and construction sites, however, this shall exclude warehouse or storage sites used exclusively for purchase of goods and maintenance shops not used for processing or manufacturing products.
The term "business agent" as used in this Act means an agent fulfilling any of the following requirements:
1. Where the agent, in addition to representing its principal in the purchase of goods, is authorized to regularly represent the principal in making business arrangements and in signing contracts;
2. Where the agent regularly keeps in store goods of its principal and delivers the same, for its principal, to others; and
3. Where the agent regularly accepts, for its principal, order for goods.
Article 11
The term "practitioner of profession" as used in this Act refers to a lawyer, certified public accountant, architect, technician, physician, pharmacist, obstetrician, author, broker, scrivener, artisan, performer, and any other person who makes a living with craftsmanship or art.
The term "profit-seeking enterprise" as used in this Act refers to industrial, commercial, agricultural, forestry, fishing, animal husbandry, mining or metallurgical enterprises operated by public, private, or joint public and private interests and having a business name or place and organized in the form of sole proprietorship, partnership, company or in any other form of organization.
The term "public-owned enterprise" as used in this Act refers to an organization established by a government of any level for the purpose of attaining certain objectives of a specific enterprise without computation of profit or loss and distribution of dividend.
The term "educational, cultural, public welfare and charitable organizations or institutions" as used in this Act denotes organizations or institutions that are organized in accordance with the provisions of the Book of General Principles of the Civil Code relating to public welfare organization and foundations or in accordance with the provisions of other relevant acts and ordinances and are duly registered with the authority-in-charge.
The term "cooperative" as used in this Act refers to cooperatives which are organized in accordance with the Cooperative Act, duly registered with the authority-in-charge at the place of their business, and conduct their operations in accordance with act, provided that an organization which, although engaged in business of a cooperative nature, fails to meet the requirements set forth herein, shall not be considered as a cooperative.
The term "taxable year" as used in this Act where the individual consolidated income tax is involved shall commence on the first day of January and end on the thirty-first day of December of each year.
Article 12
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)